Friday, December 10, 2021

Recent Questions - Ask Different

Recent Questions - Ask Different

Cannot see whether my friend is typing or not in instagram DM’s [closed]

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 02:48 AM PST

I can't see if my friend is typing on Instagram DM's. Their messages would just show up immediately without the typing bubble that indicates they're typing. This shouldn't be that big of an issue, but it's really throwing me off, since I can't see if they are done talking or not. I tried using the same account on a different device, and apparently it did show the typing bubble. My device is iPhone 7 Plus (I just updated it to IOS15 about a week ago), and it's not just an issue for a single account, but it happens to every DM I receive. I tried offloading and deleting the app multiple times, yet it still doesn't solve the problem. Since this doesn't happen when I use another device, I assume it's an issue with this specific phone. And I cannot seem to find what the issue is online either. Anyone can help? :)

Auto schedule Ethernet to activate/inactivate

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 02:33 AM PST

I use a USB-C Ethernet dongle on my MacBook Pro. I frequently find it has stop working and suspect it's due to the dongle overheated.

I'd like to automate the below sequence:

  • Inactivate Ethernet at 1am (after I go to bed).
  • Activate Ethernet at 7am (before I start working).

Is that possible? Whether by Automator or a 3rd party app?

Why is my (genuine Apple) 10W/2.1A iPad AC charger reported as 5W when powering my new M1 MacBook? [closed]

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 02:05 AM PST

I'm curious, and M1/ARM64/Apple Silicon MacBooks are incredibly efficient, so I am exploring using smaller power sources like my (genuine Apple) 10W/2.1A iPad AC charger. But I wonder: Why is it reported as supplying only 5W when powering my new M1 MacBook?

Also, I have some (brand name) USB-C cables I'd like to use with it but I hear that folks have problems with non-Apple power sources (presumably eBay chabuduo 'brand') frying M1 Macs, so I'll be testing them with other USB-C equipment.

What could be breaking Keynote Live?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 06:30 PM PST

Keynote Live seems like a very useful feature. I thought I would try it out in advance of a presentation in January.

Share menu, Use Keynote Live...

No matter what I do, it always tells me to wait for the Keynote to upload:

keynote dialog telling you to wait

However I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this dialog box is false. I shared the presentation through iCloud with other people and they were able to download it. This proves it is ON iCloud. What could be going wrong?

Link for MacOS Mojave installer does not open App Store

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 06:13 PM PST

I'm trying to install MacOS Mojave on my computer (MacBook Pro running Catalina). When I open the link to download the installer, I am lead to a blank page with the title "@@softwareName on the App Store." The link I'm using is the one given in this StackExchange answer:  

I am using Safari and have my default browser set to Safari, though I've also tried Firefox and Chrome with no success. What is causing this problem, and how can I fix or work around it?

Does Apple Pay work on Apple Watch if not connected to phone/cellular?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:39 PM PST

If I don't have my phone on me, and it has nothing to connect to, would I still be able to make payments with just my watch?

I have an Apple Watch series 4 (no cellular)

Error reinstalling El Capitan on iMac

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:06 PM PST

I have a mid 2007 iMac. I attempted to reinstall El Capitan after a Safari problem. After downloading and attempting to install, I am unable to see the internal drive. When attempting to reboot in all of the different recovery modes, the computer seems to hang on the Apple logo screen at about 10% progress. If I let it sit it goes to sleep. I tried using the original disks which load but at the destination page my internal drive is not listed. I tried Apple support and they were no help. Saw a post about making a El Capitan installer on a flash drive but don't find an image of it. Any ideas? Thanksenter image description here

Wiped out and sold my Mac without logging out of iCloud. Can I remove the lock remotely?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 09:03 PM PST

I wiped out and sold my Macbook Pro (Intel with T2 chip) with Catalina and I didn't log out of iCloud before doing so.

My buyer was locked out when he tried to log onto Apple Music. Now he is stuck in Recovery mode.

In my Apple ID account, my sold Macbook Pro appear in my list of devices, and I have the option to "Remove from account"

Also, "Find My Mac" is NOT enabled on it.

What happens if I press "Remove from account"? Will it brick the laptop?

Mac mini white screen after Boot Camp created

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 04:48 PM PST

When I boot my Mac the startup sound comes, just like normal, but then it is stuck in a white screen for about 10 seconds and after that the screen just turns black. The power LED stays on though. It worked fine till I created a new partion with Boot Camp Assistant for Windows.

What I tried:

  • Pressed shift after boot sound for safe mode.

  • Pressed controlshiftoption for SMC reset.

  • Pressed optioncommandRP at boot for NVRAM reset. The second boot sound which should appear, did not and I was stuck at the white screen again.

  • Pressed N while booting, then a blinking globe appears, but it didn't do anything.

I have a Mac mini from 2011 with El Capitan.

How can I recover app data from iCloud?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 04:22 AM PST

I am a European resident trying to recover years of text/photo diary entries from an iPhone app called Momento. The app lost my on-device data and does not seem to recognize my iCloud backup. It clearly exists, however, as you can see below. Apple Support told me to contact the developer, but a week in, the developer has not responded.

I used the Apple Data and Privacy feature to download iCloud data, but I got only my iCloud Drive files, not the 4.1 GB in the Momento CloudKit(?) partition.

I understand that Apple would like me to make a GDPR request to the developer, and I already have. However, given that this data resides on Apple's iCloud servers, can I get the data from Apple, possibly via a GDPR request? How would I do so?

iCloud Storage with 4.1GB in Momento storage

How to create a scatter plot from a table with a header column in Numbers

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 02:42 AM PST

I'm struggling with 2D Line and 2D Scatter plots in Numbers (v11.2). Consider that I have a very simple table where the first column is a header column :

Stuff (header column) Things
1 1
2 2
3 3
10 1
20 0

I'd like to plot the curve of Things as a function of Stuff, but since Stuff is not linear, I cannot use the 2D Line Plot because it does not scale the X-axis according to the values, they are spaced evenly. However, when I try to use a 2D Scatter Plot, I cannot select the Stuff column to be the X values. This simply does not work.

I can bypass this limitation with workarounds such as:

  • remove the header column, create the scatter plot, then make it again a header column; and
  • going to the "Series" menu and selecting the column manually.

However, this does not work in every situation, for instance, if the table is a Pivot Table (a recent feature) then I cannot use the Series menu nor remove the header columns.

Last, another related issue I'm facing: contrary to a line plot, I cannot find a way to change the intervals/steps between X-axis values, they seem to be automatically arranged. Is there a way to put specific values?

I searched in all menus but I was not able to find a viable option. Is there any solution to make it work properly or should I use a better-suited software that allows selecting any column with our restriction?.


I tried the solution highlighted in this question, which basically says to look at this Apple documentation.

However, I'm not able to reproduce the solution in my specific case, i.e. when the first column is a header column. The Apple documentation says that for a Scatter Plot you can select a column by clicking the letter of the column, but it does not work for a header column.

How to swap USB devices between Windows PC and MacBook Pro?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:08 PM PST

So, I have three USB A devices.

  1. Logitech wired keyboard
  2. Logitech wireless mouse with a USB A receiver
  3. Logitech webcam

In my previous job, I was given a Lenovo Windows laptop. I had a USB 3.0 switch that I bought from Amazon. I used it to switch my devices between my Desktop computer and office laptop.

Now I switched jobs and I was given a 2019 16" MacBook Pro. I purchased a USB A to C cable and I tried to hook the USB 3.0 Switch to my MacBook Pro, but the MacBook is not recognizing the devices attached to the switch.

What can I purchase? What can I do in this situation? My desk does not have enough space for another set of mouse, keyboard, & webcam.

Something keeps randomly setting iPhone volume to 100%

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:00 PM PST

Occasionally when I open the control center on my iPhone I notice that the speaker volume was set to 100%, or I'll be in public and I play a video or something and it blasts at max volume which is very annoying. I didn't do this; I suspect something is messing with the volume but I don't know what. I always keep the speaker volume all the way down.

Here are my suspicions:

  • It seems to only happen when I'm using a bluetooth headset (AirPods) and I swap between different devices (iPhone and MacBook).
  • I mostly listen to Spotify.
  • An example: I'm listening to Spotify on my MacBook through AirPods meanwhile I'm doing something on my phone, then randomly I see the volume control slide in from the side at 100% as if I had pressed the volume up button.
  • The volume buttons on the side of my phone aren't broken. I really don't think this is the issue.

I think Spotify might be hijacking the iPhone volume control when listening across different devices. If so, why is it doing this and can I stop it from doing that? Is there a permission or something I can revoke to prevent Spotify from doing that?

iPhone 11, iOS 15.1

Why Quick Look in macOS Monterey shows only the metadata rather than the actual content of media files?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 02:01 AM PST

Previously in macOS Big Sur pressing the space bar on an image/video file, shows the preview of the media content (image content / play video), but now in macOS Monterey (version 12.0.1 (21A559)) it shows the thumbnail of the media file, its name, size and last modified timestamp. Why is that? Is this happening for everyone or I have something off in my system? I recently updated my macOS from Big Sur to Monterey.

On Image file:

On video file:

How to Disable Lock Key on iMac M1 Magic Keyboard?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 01:49 AM PST

I bought a the magic keyboard for my macbook (to use with a stand). They now have lock key in the top right corner instead of touch ID - if you press it it logs you out.

It's positioned so I accidentally hit it while doing work and get logged out. Also it's pretty useless.

Is there any way to make it dysfunctional other then using key-logging software like karabiner? System Preferences > Keyboard > Modifier Keys don't have that option.

Airpods pro immediately turn off when disconnected from power supply

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 12:09 AM PST

I own a pair of airpods pro that have recently been exhibiting a lot of problems.

Problem 1: When connected to a power supply, connected to my phone and near my phone, the airpods' notification banner repeatedly pops up every 1-2 seconds until the airpods just disconnect on their own.

Problem 2: When i remove them from a charger the light on the case immediately turns off (holding the button on the back does not do anything) and i cannot connect to them from any device.

Both of these problems occur when my airpods case has a full charge. Resetting the airpods does not fix them and ios is up to date on my phone.

BT headsets with no lag

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 04:00 PM PST

I have a Logitech H390 headset on my trashcan MP. These are quite nice for general purpose telecommuting and gaming. I find many sets clamp onto your head and are very uncomfortable for long use, the H390 is much softer fitting.

However, the H390 is corded, and the cord is long enough that I run over it with my chair, causing the headset to get yanked. Now it's broken - they are not terribly strong to begin with, and fall apart even if you don't yank them. So I'm looking for a BT set to avoid this particular problem.

Poking about here I see posts about sound delays in BT speakers. Is this also a problem with headsets? Is anyone out there using an entry or mid-level BT headset and can confirm/deny that they work OK and have no lag?

Apache on localhost doesn't recognize a website unless I include the full path to index.html

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 05:03 AM PST

Using MacOS 11.1 Big Sur, I'm developing static websites (ie just a standalone index.html, plus JavaScript and CSS files) on my localhost, with the files accessible under /Library/Web Server/Documents.

Unless I include the full path to the website, including the index.html section, the website fails to load:

enter image description here

I can even reproduce this with the standard "it works" file:

enter image description here

How can I get Apache to check for the presence of the index.html file?

macOS Catalina, macOS Big Sur and Windows 10 - Triple Boot Plan

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 10:06 PM PST

With the release of macOS Big Sur, I am contemplating the following plan and wanted to get some advise on any risks or if this plan will even work or not. My current setup is:

  1. macOS Catalina as the primary OS - This on an APFS container.
  2. Blank Placeholder for macOS Big Sur - This is also an APFS container.
  3. Bootcamp Partition for Windows 10.

I plan to install macOS Big Sur on the blank placeholder above; know that it is a separate container and not a new volume on the same container as the primary OS.

I have a lot of customizations on macOS Catalina and will not be able to do a clean install, migrate all apps, change all settings and migrate all customizations in one day. Allowing me to choose which OS I want to boot into will allow me to take it slowly.

When the day comes that I no longer need macOS Catalina all I need to do is delete the container and resize the macOS Big Sur container to take up all the space that's left. Will this -

  1. Cause any issues with iCloud Music and iCloud Photo libraries as I will use them on both macOS Catalina and macOS Big Sur?
  2. Jeopardize my Bootcamp partition in any way?
  3. Allow me to reclaim the space used by macOS Catalina currently so when I remove it I can allocate that space to macOS Big Sur?
  4. Any other issues?

Any advise is welcome and appreciated.

How to launch Trello on Login as menubar item?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 05:11 AM PST

Is there a way to launch Trello app on Login or startup, in menubar only state.

Menubar only state : There's a window style dropdown option in Trello settings. When you choose Dock & Menubar extra, a Trello icon appears in the menubar which can be used to toggle the visibility of the app window (show/hide) by clicking on it. While in the hidden state, only the menubar icon and the dock indicator is visible.

In short : How to launch Trello on startup in hidden visibility state?

macos v10.15.3
Trello v2.11.4

Difference between charging icons - does it mean anything?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:45 PM PST

Sometimes I see this:

enter image description here

instead of this:

enter image description here

is there a difference? do they mean different things? One is filled in dark, the other is more transparent - the battery/charge icon..

Early 2013 MacBook Pro 15'' retina kernel panic

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 03:02 AM PST

Copying my question from apple discussions where an answer couldn't be found.

After upgrading to 10.15 my MacBook started crashing frequently, especially when under higher load (5 or more browser tabs or a video game open) and more often when the charger is connected. Any advice on how to fix this?

If it crashes and I start the laptop again straight away I get the Apple logo with the bar going about 3/4 way through after that I get black screen with laptop still running (fans can be heard). If I let it rest for about 10 minutes it comes back on fine and can work for a long time unless, again it is put under higher load.

Also, when I brought my MacBook to the Genius Bar they said they couldn't do anything as it as a 'vintage' model now, and the guys on the Apple web chat support implicitly recommended getting a new MacBook.

Hardware diagnostics found no faults. Issue occurs also in safe mode. The OS has been reinstalled 3 times from scratch and the issue persists

Crash report:

panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff7fa6e965cb): GPU Panic: mux-regs 3 0 a0 d9 9 8 severity 3 WS-ready 0 switch-state 13 IG FBs 0 EG FBs 0:0 power-state 0 3D idle HDA idle system-state 0 power-level 20:20 connect-change 0 : NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xc0000000 0xffffff914893d000 0x0e7150a2, D0, P3/4    Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address  0xffffff8132ea2cb0 : 0xffffff802493f98b   0xffffff8132ea2d00 : 0xffffff8024a76c15   0xffffff8132ea2d40 : 0xffffff8024a6861e   0xffffff8132ea2d90 : 0xffffff80248e6a40   0xffffff8132ea2db0 : 0xffffff802493f077   0xffffff8132ea2eb0 : 0xffffff802493f45b   0xffffff8132ea2f00 : 0xffffff80250d2d89   0xffffff8132ea2f70 : 0xffffff7fa6e965cb   0xffffff8132ea2fd0 : 0xffffff7fa7c4b2f1   0xffffff8132ea3050 : 0xffffff7fa7d1811b   0xffffff8132ea30b0 : 0xffffff7fa7d181c8   0xffffff8132ea30e0 : 0xffffff7fa804b91e   0xffffff8132ea3130 : 0xffffff7fa804b6c0   0xffffff8132ea31d0 : 0xffffff7fa8067190   0xffffff8132ea3210 : 0xffffff7fa7dabd69   0xffffff8132ea3240 : 0xffffff7fa7daa7ca   0xffffff8132ea3280 : 0xffffff7fa7dabce4   0xffffff8132ea32b0 : 0xffffff7fa7f86ea4   0xffffff8132ea32e0 : 0xffffff7fa7f7d652   0xffffff8132ea3380 : 0xffffff7fa7f7db66   0xffffff8132ea33e0 : 0xffffff7fa7c61537   0xffffff8132ea3430 : 0xffffff7fa7f824fe   0xffffff8132ea3590 : 0xffffff7fa7f829fb   0xffffff8132ea3620 : 0xffffff7fa7c64313   0xffffff8132ea3650 : 0xffffff7fa7d53ce4   0xffffff8132ea36d0 : 0xffffff7fa7d5387d   0xffffff8132ea3700 : 0xffffff7fa7d5c403   0xffffff8132ea3710 : 0xffffff7fa7d1524e   0xffffff8132ea3750 : 0xffffff7fa7d14aed   0xffffff8132ea37a0 : 0xffffff7fa7c03fe5   0xffffff8132ea37c0 : 0xffffff7fa7c4db7a   0xffffff8132ea37e0 : 0xffffff7fa7c4e422   0xffffff8132ea3980 : 0xffffff7fa7c4e5e8   0xffffff8132ea3a20 : 0xffffff7fa7be07af   0xffffff8132ea3aa0 : 0xffffff7fa7bdffe9   0xffffff8132ea3b00 : 0xffffff7fa7be1dd4   0xffffff8132ea3b40 : 0xffffff7fa6e454ee   0xffffff8132ea3bc0 : 0xffffff7fa6e3bcc8   0xffffff8132ea3c50 : 0xffffff7fa7be2f61   0xffffff8132ea3ca0 : 0xffffff80250151bb   0xffffff8132ea3d00 : 0xffffff802506fab9   0xffffff8132ea3d60 : 0xffffff8024a2613f   0xffffff8132ea3db0 : 0xffffff80249457f8   0xffffff8132ea3e10 : 0xffffff802491c515   0xffffff8132ea3e70 : 0xffffff8024932f75   0xffffff8132ea3f00 : 0xffffff8024a4eaf5   0xffffff8132ea3fa0 : 0xffffff80248e7226           Kernel Extensions in backtrace: [6A2B57DF-D04E-3E54-A2D4-D859D0B89085]@0xffffff7fa6e87000->0xffffff7fa6e9afff              dependency:[3D34FEDA-B9AE-31CE-8486-74BA3DED9084]@0xffffff7fa6e29000              dependency:[9BA2613C-A129-3EDD-8DC1-2CFF6B62B832]@0xffffff7fa54e1000              dependency:[E6E855AD-A5B2-3518-A997-1384B4360708]@0xffffff7fa54f3000              dependency:[23A17FD4-B8DA-3D9D-8AC5-D05039DF41ED]@0xffffff7fa6e2c000              dependency:[0266F94C-3545-376D-AF0F-802F6D340F1C]@0xffffff7fa6e7d000 [ECB33CB3-2FE3-3E99-A4E6-ED7C5DA6D543]@0xffffff7fa7bde000->0xffffff7fa7eb5fff              dependency:[E6E855AD-A5B2-3518-A997-1384B4360708]@0xffffff7fa54f3000              dependency:[5BB372D5-4650-3EC3-B11B-CE5ECFA446BC]@0xffffff7fa786f000              dependency:[23A17FD4-B8DA-3D9D-8AC5-D05039DF41ED]@0xffffff7fa6e2c000              dependency:[0266F94C-3545-376D-AF0F-802F6D340F1C]@0xffffff7fa6e7d000 [D9BD5415-852D-3F99-B5D9-9E4FD7CABEEC]@0xffffff7fa7f53000->0xffffff7fa80fefff              dependency:[ECB33CB3-2FE3-3E99-A4E6-ED7C5DA6D543]@0xffffff7fa7bde000              dependency:[E6E855AD-A5B2-3518-A997-1384B4360708]@0xffffff7fa54f3000    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer    Mac OS version:  19A602    Kernel version:  Darwin Kernel Version 19.0.0: Wed Sep 25 20:18:50 PDT 2019; root:xnu-6153.11.26~2/RELEASE_X86_64  Kernel UUID: 70EDD61F-86EE-3E1B-873F-98D909B78160  Kernel slide:     0x0000000024600000  Kernel text base: 0xffffff8024800000  __HIB  text base: 0xffffff8024700000  System model name: MacBookPro10,1 (Mac-C3EC7CD22292981F)  System shutdown begun: NO  Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)    System uptime in nanoseconds: 16004403802  last loaded kext at 14750822075: >AudioAUUC 1.70 (addr 0xffffff7fa81d4000, size 28672)  

loaded kexts:

>AudioAUUC  1.70  >!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 4.1.46  @fileutil   20.036.15  @AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics   4.1.46  >!AHV   1  |IOUserEthernet 1.0.1  |IO!BSerialManager  7.0.0f8  >!APlatformEnabler  2.7.0d0  >AGPM   111.1.18  >X86PlatformShim    1.0.0  >!AMikeyHIDDriver   131  >!AUpstreamUserClient   3.6.8  >pmtelemetry    1  >!AHDAHardwareConfigDriver  283.14  >AGDCBacklightControl   4.1.46  >!AMikeyDriver  283.14  @GeForce    14.0.0  >!A!IHD4000Graphics 14.0.0  @Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X    7.0.0  >!AHDA  283.14  >ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin    1.0.0  >!ABacklight    170.18  >eficheck   1  >!AThunderboltIP    3.1.3  >!AFIVRDriver   4.1.0  >!AMCCSControl  1.12  >!ASMCPDRC  1.0.0  |!ABCM5701Ethernet  10.3.5  >!ASMCLMU   212  >!ALPC  3.1  >AirPort.Brcm4360   1400.1.1  >!A!IFramebufferCapri   14.0.0  @nvidia.NVDAStartup 14.0.0  >!AMuxControl   4.1.46  >!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking   4.0.0  @filesystems.autofs 3.0  |IO!BUSBDFU 7.0.0f8  >!UTCKeyEventDriver 255  >!UTCKeyboard   255  >!UTCButtons    255  >!AFileSystemDriver 3.0.1  >!AVirtIO   1.0  @filesystems.hfs.kext   522.0.9  @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless    1.0.0d1  @BootCache  40  @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib    1.0.0  @filesystems.apfs   1412.11.7  >!ASDXC 1.7.7  @private.KextAudit  1.0  >!AAHCIPort 341.0.2  >!ASmartBatteryManager  161.0.0  >!ARTC  2.0  >!AACPIButtons  6.1  >!AHPET 1.8  >!ASMBIOS   2.1  >!AACPIEC   6.1  >!AAPIC 1.7  >!A!ICPUPowerManagementClient   222.0.0  $!AImage4   1  @nke.applicationfirewall    302  $TMSafetyNet    8  @!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0  >!A!ICPUPowerManagement 222.0.0  |EndpointSecurity   1  |IOAVB!F    800.17  >!ASSE  1.0  @nvidia.driver.NVDAGK100Hal 14.0.0  @nvidia.driver.NVDAResman   14.0.0  >DspFuncLib 283.14  @kext.OSvKernDSPLib 529  >IOPlatformPluginLegacy 1.0.0  @plugin.IOgPTPPlugin    800.14  >!ABacklightExpert  1.1.0  |IONDRVSupport  558.3  @!AGPUWrangler  4.1.46  >!AHDA!C    283.14  |IOHDA!F    283.14  |IOAudio!F  300.2  @vecLib.kext    1.2.0  >X86PlatformPlugin  1.0.0  >!ASMBus!C  1.0.18d1  |IOEthernetAVB!C    1.1.0  >IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8  >!ASMBusPCI 1.0.14d1  |IO80211!F  1200.12.2b1  |IOSkywalk!F    1  >mDNSOffloadUserClient  1.0.1b8  >corecapture    1.0.4  |IOAccelerator!F2   438.1.23  @!AGraphicsDeviceControl    4.1.46  |IOGraphics!F   558.3  >!AGraphicsControl  4.1.46  |IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F   1.0.0  >!AThunderboltEDMSink   4.2.0  >!AThunderboltDPOutAdapter  6.2.3  @kext.triggers  1.0  |Broadcom!BHost!CUSBTransport   7.0.0f8  |IO!BHost!CUSBTransport 7.0.0f8  |IO!BHost!CTransport    7.0.0f8  |IO!B!F 7.0.0f8  |IO!BPacketLogger   7.0.0f8  >!UMultitouch   264  >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2  >usb.cdc    5.0.0  >usb.networking 5.0.0  >usb.!UHostCompositeDevice  1.2  >usb.!UHub  1.2  |IOSerial!F 11  |IOSurface  269.6  @filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1  >!AThunderboltDPInAdapter   6.2.3  >!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F   6.2.3  >!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter    2.5.2  >!AXsanScheme   3  >!AThunderboltNHI   5.5.8  |IOThunderbolt!F    7.4.5  |IOAHCIBlock!S  316.0.5  |IOAHCI!F   290.0.1  >usb.!UEHCIPCI  1.2  >usb.!UEHCI 1.2  >usb.!UXHCIPCI  1.2  >usb.!UXHCI 1.2  >usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0  |IOUSB!F    900.4.2  >!AEFINVRAM 2.1  >!AEFIRuntime   2.1  |IOSMBus!F  1.1  |IOHID!F    2.0.0  $quarantine 4  $sandbox    300.0  @kext.!AMatch   1.0.0d1  >DiskImages 493.0.0  >!AFDEKeyStore  28.30  >!AEffaceable!S 1.0  >!AKeyStore 2  >!UTDM  489.11.2  |IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice  422.0.2  >!ACredentialManager    1.0  >KernelRelayHost    1  >!ASEPManager   1.0.1  >IOSlaveProcessor   1  |IOTimeSync!F   800.14  |IONetworking!F 3.4  |IOUSBMass!SDriver  157.11.2  |IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F  422.0.2  |IO!S!F 2.1  |IOUSBHost!F    1.2  >!UHostMergeProperties  1.2  >usb.!UCommon   1.0  >!ABusPower!C   1.0  |CoreAnalytics!F    1  >!AMobileFileIntegrity  1.0.5  @kext.CoreTrust 1  |IOReport!F 47  >!AACPIPlatform 6.1  >!ASMC  3.1.9  >watchdog   1  |IOPCI!F    2.9  |IOACPI!F   1.4  @kec.pthread    1  @kec.Libm   1  @kec.corecrypto 1.0  


Just to add: Hardware diagnostics found no faults. Issue occurs also in safe mode. The OS has been reinstalled 3 times from scratch and the issue persists.

How to get correct bookmark (webloc) icon to show?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:04 PM PST

Safari Bookmark icons of (.webloc) are only showing generic document icon. How to get correct '@' icon to show?

It's the webloc document created when pulling (drag & drop) URL from Safari address to desktop.

MacOS Bluetooth Appears "Permanently" Not Available? (MacOS 10.15 Catalina)

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 02:06 AM PST

For some reason after a MacOS "upgrade" to 10.15 Catalina the Bluetooth Appears "Permanently" Not Available? How can I diagnose which "a device" to connect to get Bluetooth to work ?

Upgraded to 10.15.2 but no better.

bluetooth wireless settings


not available

os version and hardware

Any suggestions? Does this have anything to do with Bluetooth pan internet sharing?

enter image description here

bluetooth demon

bluetooth not available

bluetooth plist

Cannot get httpd to listen on port 80

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 03:17 AM PST

I installed httpd using brew.

I edited /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf and changed:

Listen 8080  


Listen 80  

Restarted the service:

brew services restart httpd  

But Apache's still listening on port 8080:

Benjamins-Mac-mini:~ benjamin$ sudo lsof -iTCP:80 -sTCP:LISTEN  Benjamins-Mac-mini:~ benjamin$ sudo lsof -iTCP:8080 -sTCP:LISTEN  COMMAND   PID     USER   FD   TYPE             DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME  httpd   24646 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  httpd   24647 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  httpd   24648 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  httpd   24649 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  httpd   24650 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  httpd   24651 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  httpd   34288 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  httpd   34289 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  httpd   34290 benjamin    4u  IPv6 0xcc42d5b2e5fcae09      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)  

How can I force httpd to listen to port 80?

I tried restarting the service using sudo as port 80 is a privileged port, with no success.

automator ethernet toggle high sierra

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 03:05 AM PST

I have been trying to create a service for toggling ethernet on off, but can't manage to get it right.

It is for os x high sierra.

So far I have this, it runs with no error and it does appear on my services menu, but it does not toggle the ethernet connection.

I have tried some code for airport and it works. But I really need it for Ethernet 1, en0.

on run {input, parameters}    (* do shell script "networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled Ethernet 1 off" user name "xxxx" password "xxxx" with administrator privileges  do shell script "networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled Ethernet 1 on" user name "xxxx" password "xxxx" with administrator privileges *)    return input end run  

I have done some workflows recording actions for this but it just a bit to slow to run for my needs. If it could run faster, I wouldn't feel this automation is a hassle.

Is there a faster or more reliable way to automate this?

MacBook autocorrects "The Bible" to "the Bible"

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 05:15 AM PST

What I'm trying to do is have the flexibility to write the following sentences:

The Bible says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (NKJV)


Let's look at what the Bible says in John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (NKJV)

My problem is that my MacBook always autocorrects the string "The Bible" to "the Bible" no matter its location in the sentence. This happens in TextEdit as well as Safari so it's not just a Safari thing. I've checked the Text tab under Keyboard in System Preferences and "the Bible" isn't there. I've also checked ~/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary and it's blank. I've tried right clicking the selection to bring up the little menu to Add Spelling or Unlearn Spelling but I don't see those options.

Here is a picture of the problem as I'm typing.

Autocorrect when typing

Here is a picture of my text replacement settings.

Text replacement settings

Here is a picture of the right click drop down menu.

Right click drop down menu

Here is a picture of the Show Spelling and Grammar window.

Spelling and Grammar window

My laptop details: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) with a fresh install of High Sierra. I'm currently on macOs High Sierra 10.13.5 (17F77).

Show installation date of packages installed with Homebrew?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 05:12 AM PST

Homebrew shows me all packages that I have installed with brew leaves. However, it doesn't show me when was a package been installed.

Is it possible to make Homebrew show the installation date of packages?

Recovery key set by my "company, school, or institution" on private laptop

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 12:36 AM PST

I want to enable FileVault encryption but in the dialog I encounter this message:

A recovery key has been set by your company, school, or institution.

I don't have my laptop set up by a company, school or institution because this is my private laptop.

This dialog may be related to some profile-files I have recently installed for university in order to get the VPN to work. How can I reset this so that I can use my own recovery key?

I am using macOS 10.13.

How precisely can I track distances using the iPhone accelerometer?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 01:30 AM PST

Theoretically the accelerometers in the iPhone can be used to track distance using interpolation over time.

What is the estimated error for tracking distances between 1 and 10 meters?
Is there any iPhone app that work as a measuring tape?

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