Friday, December 10, 2021

Recent Questions - Arqade

Recent Questions - Arqade

Can I still play the official "Left 2 Die" scenario in SC2? If yes, how?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 04:38 AM PST

I finally finished SC2, and found some references talking about the official "Left 2 Die" scenario. But I can't figure out how to download it, or even if I have to download it. What do I have to do, to play it? Can I do it alone?

Thanks in advance!

Minecraft Blockbench animation problem

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 03:28 AM PST

With blockbench I have created a chainsaw which would work in conjunction with a datapack. Out of obvious reasons, I want the teeth to actually spin along the edge. So I made a 3 framed animation using Blockbench featuring the teeth running on the chainsaw.

However, I cannot find a way to activate/play this animation using commands. In my datapack, the chainsaw starts spinning if you right clicked. I want the animation to play when the player right clicked holding the chainsaw.

I have searched this topic on google and found a method called overriding default animations where you replace the pulling animation of a crossbow to the frames you have created. But this would not work in my case, since the item which I based off the chainsaw is actually a carrot_on_a_stick, which doesn't have any animation.

In short, how do I play this custom animation that I have created with blockbench in game using vanilla commands only?

Hello with the hard drive

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 10:30 PM PST

I have a couple games mainly call of duty ones that are downloading both of my hard drive and my system if I delete one of them from there will it be okay

Are there tide cycles and do they impact fishing?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:44 PM PST

I was fishing in the ocean out in New Light for quite some time. I was standing out in the water as far as I could go without being under it. As time went on, it seemed like the water was getting lower and lower (based on how high it was on my character after some time compared to when I started fishing), making me think the tide was going out into sea, and thus some sort of tide cycle existed.

I did begin fishing during the night where it seemed the water was deeper, and then once daytime arrived, it seemed like the water was more shallow.

Are there tide cycles in the game and do they have any impact on fishing?

1.16.4 - /playsound for everyone, but at a specific player

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:18 PM PST

This may seem complicated, but what I am trying to do is that when any player walk on water for a bit, a playsound will be executed at the position of the player that walked on water, but everyone will hear it.

I already tried these commands:

/scoreboard objectives add water minecraft.custom:minecraft.walk_on_water_one_cm

/execute at @a[scores={water=220..}] run playsound minecraft:entity.player.swim master @a ~ ~ ~ 0.3 1 0.3

/scoreboard players reset @a[scores={water=220..}]

but this plays the sound at the position of every player, not only at the specific player

/execute at @a[scores={water=220..}] run playsound minecraft:entity.player.swim master @s ~ ~ ~ 0.3 1 0.3 also doesn't work, because it only plays the sound for the player that walked on water

Why is rapidly clicking in Stickman Hook so effective?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 12:56 AM PST

On the webgame Stickman Hook if you click rapidly (8+ cps), you can rocket yourself to the other end of the map.

It seems to be especially effective on laptop-style trackpads.

Why is this so effective?

CanDestroy tag doesn't work in 1.18

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 01:52 PM PST

People say "can destroy" lets you break some things in adventure mode, but every time I try it, it does not work in 1.18.
Is there a way to make it work?
Here's my command:

/give @p minecraft:stick 1 0 {candestroy["iron_bar"]}  

Would this shulker farm work if the snow golem would be the one in the minecart?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 12:57 PM PST

In this video (link brings at relevant point of the video), it is explained how shulker "reactors" can be made more efficient if the aggroing shulker gets or of range of the snow golem, resetting the aggro and thus allowing to have more cycles in the same amount of time.

My question is: would this concept work if we switch position between shulker and golem?
would the aggro be reset?
is the snow golem capable of getting into a minecart and shooting snowballs from inside there like the shulker shoots bullets?

Are some Chamber options just impossible to get?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 11:43 AM PST

Are some Chamber options just impossible to get?

Following this RNG Manipulation Guide, trying to see how good I can get my first run...

Beyond the first Athena, I'm trying to get as many Keys as I can, so my second room was a Key, then my third was another Athena...

But from there, I can't immediately get another Key? The second Athena room, I seem to have a choice of Wretches, Witches or Numbskulls to start, never seen a Lout, and many possible Athena options, some being Rare or Epic...

But still always Darkness in my next Chamber...

Switch - Can I buy a DLC on my main account and play it with the game owned by a second account?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 10:20 PM PST

I play Animal Crossing with a digital copy in a second profile linked to my friend's account. I want to buy the DLC on my main account. This DLC will be shared to the second account in this situation? I don't own a copy of Animal Crossing on my Main Account.

How do you count to make sure there are 0 entities in an area, if there are 0 it activates another command block? [closed]

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 06:36 PM PST

I am making a battle game where you fight mobs In a pokemon style battle, but I needed a simple and easy answer to this kind of question, since I'm kinda new and not the best at commands. So far I was working on the first battle, but there is going to be many battles, so I don't wanna use all my time on this one. I was trying to see if there are no mobs in a certain radius, but I wasn't sure what to do with the commands. Please help! Thanks!

What does "max. 3% of bank" stand for in Cookie Clicker?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:21 AM PST

The description for the Bakeberry seed on Cookie Clicker says that the extra 30 minutes of CpS that you can get is capped at "3% of bank". What is it referring to? 3% of the bank CpS? If that is so, it would always be capped because 30 minutes of bank CpS is smaller or equal than 30 minutes of the total CpS. That's confusing.


How do I Create the Strongest Golden Cookie Combination?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:47 PM PST

The current process for creating extremely powerful combinations are as follows:

Golden Cookie Buffs: I get a 7x Frenzy. Due to short spawn time, usually on the last 1/4th of the frenzy, another Golden Cookie will spawn. If this one is another CPS boost, such as a building boost or a click power boost, I will activate Force Hand of Fate to try and get the last type of boost not included.

Pantheon: Godzamok in the Diamond slot, Mokalsium in the ruby slot, and Jeremy in the Jade slot. Once I have my three Golden Cookie Buffs online, I sell all for all buildings from Farms to Antimatter Condensers skipping Portals.

Dragon Aura: I have Radiant Appetite and Breath of Milk slotted into the two aura slots.

Garden: I have not set my Garden up to try and synergize with one of these boosts directly. Usually my Garden is set up for full Whiskerbloom when I want to go for max CPS.

This is my current setup for trying to get the highest possible bonus combination which in turn gives me as many cookies as possible within the window. I am wondering however, if there are optimizations to be made?

A few that have I have been thinking about:

Pantheon: While Gadzamok and Mokalsium are extremely powerful, I wonder if Muridal would be better than Jeremy (or the other two), as the combination relies heavily on clicks.

Dragon Aura: Radiant Appetite does way too much on its own, so it will be staying, but I wonder if it is worth it to slot Breath of Milk out for something else, such as Dragon Cursor, Reaper of Fields, Dragonflight, or Dragon's Curve.

Garden: What plants should I use to try and make this boosts as strong as possible? I do believe Whiskerbloom is strong, but I wonder if having a full field of mature Thumbcorn in a clay field would be stronger for the purpose of synergizing with the full combination.

The question: What should I do for all aspects of the game that I have control over if I am attempting to create extremely powerful bursts of cookies while utilizing powerful Click Frenzy combinations? What Spirits should I have slotted in my Pantheon for this? What Dragon Auras should I be using? What plants should I have planted in my Garden? What should I set up to try and synergize the most with my Golden Cookie and boost combinations?

Am I required to pull off crazy Golden Cookie combos?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:25 PM PST

I am currently at the point in the game where my CPS is at the Quattuordecillion range. Purchasing upgrades and buying buildings to unlock achievements and increase my CPS require me to have many more cookies than my CPS gives me, usually requiring amounts in the Sexdecillion and Septendecillion range. My CPS, at the current rate, will take years to get me enough cookies.

Aside from making insane Golden Cookie combinations (such as combining a 7x CPS Frenzy, a Building Related Boost, a 777x Click Power Frenzy, and selling thousands of buildings for a huge Gadzamok Buff), I can never make an amount of cookies that gets me anywhere.

Is there anything else I can do at this point in the game to make reasonably paced progress besides fishing for insane Golden Cookie combinations? I want to put less active time into the game but I want to keep my pace for unlocking achievements.

How do I make an item that gives potion effects when held?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 10:46 AM PST

I want to have a clock where if it is held, you turn invisible. I know it has something to do with tags and whatnot, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. Everything I try fails.

I am in Minecraft 1.15.2.

How can I reset the nether chunks below y level 128 with MCA Selector?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:49 AM PST

I run a Spigot 1.15.2 server and as 1.16 is coming closer I had to think about resetting the nether for us. The thing is that people have built gold farms and other nether mob farms above the bedrock ceiling which is y 128. I want to specifically reset the chunks that are below y 128.

I came across this question: Reset nether but preserve above ceiling?

But the answer to this post was to use NBT explorer for every single chunk and I find it pretty hard to do it that way.

I want to use MCA selector to only reset those chunks. Is that possible?

EDIT: Also if there isn't a way then how do I copy only the y value of certain chunks in NBTExplorer? If I copy and paste the chunks then it would also copy the part below y 128

Can I use VR controllers as regular pc game controllers?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:49 AM PST

I really like the Oculus Rift controllers, the feel of them, and the fact that I can hold each of them separately instead of keeping my arms in the same position makes me think it would be awesome for normal use as a PC game controller. Is there a way of doing this with Oculus/HTC/WindowsMR controllers or are there any similar controllers just for PC where they are split?

I have a problem with changing back from werewolf to human

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:49 AM PST

I used the Ring of Hircine a couple of times and now it has been 9 days since transformation. I haven't fed on any corpses and I'm stuck as a werewolf. Please help.

Multiple of one villager?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:49 AM PST

I was actually wondering if it's possible to have two of the same villager on one island as I want Papi but my fiancé does too. I have one for her already as she doesn't like doing the online trading thing but someone is offering Papi for free. I have spent a good while looking online but unfortunately I have been unable to find an answer to this question and don't want to let this offer go to waste!


I would like to clarify, we both have our own switches and both want Papi, I am wondering if it's possible to have two of the same villager on my island at one time. One would go to my fiancés once she has a plot available and I would keep the other.

Transferring games from my friends PS4 to mine

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 02:01 AM PST

My friend downloaded a game and the game is about 200 GB so I don't have that much internet capacity so I want to transfer the game to a external hard drive and again I want to transfer the game from the external hard drive to my PS4. The game Is free. I use different PS accounts in his and my PS4; can I still transfer the downloaded free game ? Thank you

How does the Ad Hoc mode work on the ps vita?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 12:02 PM PST

can someone explain this to me step by step? My main question is whether you have to have internet or not.

How to beat Trial Mode Stage 91?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 11:47 AM PST

I've run into a bit of a snag when completing the Trial Mode. Stage 91 is a single Magick Pot, with random spawns of Hecteyes in the arena. The Magick Pot clamors for an Elixer, however it seems to wear off before I can kill it, leading to dismay and a very strong, angry Magick Pot. The constant assault from the Hecteyes doesn't help either.

My party is around level 78, and this stage is giving me a ton of trouble. I can buff up at the beginning of the round before moving, which is a nice break, but killing the pot is a different story. Technicks for this stage are disabled as well. Any videos that I've seen of this Trial have the party at level 99, with all the hidden god-mode weapons (Seitengrat bow, Tower Sword F, etc) which would be too much of a pain to obtain.

Reorganize within a chest in MCPE

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 04:03 AM PST

I'm playing Minecraft Pocket Edition on my old iPad, but I'm wondering if there is a way to organize stuff within a chest. I'm not asking about how to categorize the different chests, but how to reorganize stuff within a given chest.

I.e. within a Stone chest, I would like for the Cobblestone to be in a given row, or possible to move to a given row, and the Gravel to be elsewhere. Similarly for tools I would like to group the Pickaxe's, Sword's, and so on.

I know I can use other random items as fillers, but that is really tedious work, and I would much rather have a way to move from one block/space within the chest to another block/space in the same chest. Preferably without having to intermediately store it in the inventory.

My version of MCPE is 0.14.3 on iOs, and if answers are version related please state, if known, which version the answer applies to or from.

Errors while Backing up Maps in MineCraft PE for android?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 03:04 AM PST

I am going to be getting a new phone soon and want to backup my world to transfer over but when I navigate to games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/... and try to copy the contents, only a couple files transfer before an error pops up

ok so now I tried to do it to replicate the error (an error I've seen like 20 times) and it worked... :(

UPDATE: So I was able to get the error again, is just says unspecified error while coping files, and it seems to be the db folder that has the issue

Can I get my Origin profile link?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:21 PM PST

I'm forming a list of links of where people can add me on, I was able to obtain tens of profile links, but I wasn't able to get a link for my origin.

Is there way I can link people to my origin profile? I don't want to just put up my username.

How do I bypass the 16 character limit on username prefixes?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 01:07 AM PST

Does anyone know how to allow the prefix on a server to be more than 16 numbers/letters long? I would like to make the prefix for my server admins longer than 16 letters.

Example here is the prefix I want to create.

[<[Owner]< joecraft15666 >I want colored prefixes[#%]>]  

Xbox One not working when Switching Accounts?

Posted: 10 Dec 2021 12:56 AM PST

My brother and I want to play each other's games. I've switched his account to my home Xbox and he switched his xbox to my account. I was able to successfully download for example Dark Souls and play but when he logged in to play I got kicked out and was told an error message about logging into the account with the game or buying it.

I read in another forum and the Xbox support website that we could share and play at the same time, for example play online dark souls together. Or is that not a thing anymore? Did I miss a step? Anything else I need to do?

Red border/frame around screen

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 09:42 AM PST

So I was playing ARAM last night, and suddenly I got a red border/frame around my screen. I couldn't move my screen with my mouse anymore. And I had to play with a locked camera for the rest of the game.

How did I get this border? And more importantly, how do I get rid of the red border?

Dawnguard DLC disappears after turning off Xbox

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 04:08 PM PST

I have been playing Dawnguard for awhile now and I got up to the mission where you get the dragon Elder Scroll. After I got it I saved, turned off my xbox and went to bed. When I got up next morning my dlc was gone but I still had the scroll...

I reinstalled it but now I can't even get the guard to tell me about the Dawnguard or talk to anybody inside the fort. Anybody got any ideas how to fix this problem?

Is the Companions quest line exclusive with any other?

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:22 PM PST

I'm now faced with the choice of becoming a Werewolf, and well... I know it's silly but I honestly don't care or want to have the Werewolf power.

Still I would like to enjoy the main questlines, and so I would like to know if I would be missing out on anything else by accepting the "beast blood"?


PS: As far as I know the Werewolf form is only exclusive with the Vampire form. If the former is cured, the latter is still excluded reportedly due to a bug. Is that correct?

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