Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Recent Questions - Arqade

Recent Questions - Arqade

Help with loading far away random chunks using commands

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:51 AM PST

I'm making a working Tardis in Minecraft using datapack dimensions. Part of that is the ability to send the Tardis exterior anywhere in the world (And eventually in the Nether and End too). The /spreadplayers command works great for moving the armour stand that summons the exterior, but only in the spawn chunks. I've found that when I send the stand more than 500 blocks away from spawn it goes into unloaded chunks, where Minecraft commands can't track it. I had also found the /forceload command, which would be a way to get the exterior to work, however to get the exact chunk loaded, I assume I need /execute at @e[tag=dw.TARDIS.location run forceload ~ ~ The problem seems to be a catch 22. If I send the armour stand far away (Which I want to do, because the whole point of a Tardis is to explore distant places, not to move around within eyesight) then I need to force load the chunk before the stand can arrive. To force load the chunk I need the armour stand to already be there.

I just added new way to work out the new location, where 2 armour stands are moved around 0,0, their x and z cords are saved to a scoreboard, then individually multiplied and divided through 3 prime numbers, both x values are then added together, multiplied and divided again and then I do the same with the z values. The end result is fairly large positive and negative random numbers.

Is it possible to use these numbers with a /forceload command to load the chunk before moving the armour stand, is there another way of doing it without the command, or even some way to get Minecraft to keep track of a specific armour stand outside of loaded chunks? Any help would be appreciated.

Can allies unlock all skills?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:40 AM PST

Given that allies have multiple "paths" in their skill trees, should points be reserved to save for specific builds or can they eventually learn all of them?

How do I show/hide the HUD in Scrap Mechanic?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:24 AM PST

I would like to hide my HUD so I can take some screenshots, however there is nothing in the controls menu for this. Is there a key combination or way to do this without any mods?

Best cheap pc for Minecraft [closed]

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:56 AM PST

I want to buy a pc to play Minecraft but I don't understand any of the specs as I'm a bit of an idiot on that stuff. Are there any recommendations for good pcs that are cheap but still good quality.

Are there any differences between the red and blue factions?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:19 AM PST

After the tutorial, you are asked to pick between the blue God of Wisdom, Jaken, and the red God of Strength, Buto. What effects does this choice have, if any?

Unable to launch Minecraft Java Edition, error code 0x803F8001

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:55 AM PST

First time getting Minecraft Java, if I try to open the launcher, it gives me this error:

Minecraft Launcher is currently not available in your account. Make sure you are signed in to the Store and try again. Here's the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001

I'm pretty sure I'm signed into the store already, but it keeps giving me this error when I try to open the installer or launcher.

Defeated elite four, but somehow missed Blue’s mega stones. Can they still be gotten?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 07:39 AM PST

My son has defeated the elite four, but for some reason doesn't have Blue's mega stones. Can he still get them?

According to https://www.serebii.net/letsgopikachueevee/gyms.shtml, one should receive Blue's mega stones before entering the 8th gym. However, we cannot find the stones anywhere in his inventory. He also doesn't recall receiving them before entering the 8th, but it's been quite a while since he first entered it.

We've tried revisiting the 7th and 8th gyms, as well as professor Oak's lab, but no luck. Blue is not there. The only place we can now find Blue is as the boss at the Viridian City gym, where we can battle him, but he doesn't give us the mega stones.

Also, what could he possible have done that would result in not getting Blue's mega stones? Can you refuse them when they are offered to you? Could he have sold them? If he did sell them, would it be possIble to buy them back from the shop to which he sold them?

Could he have left or stored them somewhere else in the game? Is that even possible?

If he did still have them, where in his inventory would they be?

How do I give particle effects to my dog in Minecraft?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:01 AM PST

I am in a normal survival world and I have a dog named Charles (name tag). I want to give him particle effects when he walks, attacks, and gets fed. I know you can give arrows and players effects but can't find anything about giving it to my dog. Can someone please help me?

How do I get shadow achievements in Cookie Clicker?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 11:51 AM PST

I have two of them, those being Speed Baking I and God Complex, but what are the other ones and how do I get them?

How to learn Skylab Twin Shot with my custom player?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:53 AM PST

As fas as I understood, it's possible to unlock Skylab Twin Shot during Argentina match befriending both Tachibana twins to A and Jito to S.

But how can I learn that technique for my custom player? I know it's possible, since I saw that in several YT videos.

And as a side note, I'm wondering if my custom player always replaces Jito in the combination, or is it possible to "be" one of Tachibana twins and actually score?

Add armor attributes with /item modify- 1.17 datapack issue

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 12:22 PM PST

I am trying to modify the armor a certain entity is wearing (based on material) by adding a very slight movement speed decrease, which I should be able to do with attributes. I have the entity tagged so I can access it with /execute as @e[tag=…] run .

According to the internet, /item modify is the way to do this, yet there are no examples or command generators I could find. I found plenty of ways to get items with attributes through the /attribute and /give commands, but no examples for /item modify.

I currently have:

item modify entity @s armor.feet __________  

In the blank location, I attempted to fill this with the following words: set_attribute, attribute, etc. Regardless of what I seem to put in the "modifiers" spot, it always returns unknown item modifier.

How would I add a custom movement speed attribute decrease to it? It's probably easy but I can't seem to figure it out.

Minecraft: Using block states within datapack tags

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:45 AM PST

I have a datapack which uses a stonecutter to automatically break whatever block is above it, however currently it is always on, meaning the only way to stop it is to break the actual block.

Having recently (by which I mean the night before I'm writing this) learned about how to use the tags folder, I assumed I could create a list of items as follows;

{    "values": [      "minecraft:redstone_torch[lit=true]",      "minecraft:lever[powered=true]",      "minecraft:redstone_block"    ]  }  

Which I would then use as execute as @e[tag=grindcutter] at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ #powered run tag @s add powered

However, the # filter didn't appear in game. After comparing the file with another working filter, I experimentally removed the block states from the lever and torch, which made the filter appear in game. Now, the whole reason I wanted this was so that I could place a lever under the stone cutter, then when I wanted to deactivate the auto break I could just power the lever.

I know I could use something like execute as @e[tag=grindcutter] at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ lever[powered=true] run tag @s add powered, but then if I wanted to automate the process in game, I would have to add near duplicates of that exact code for every edge case, then if in the future I wanted to add or remove more options, I would need to change the actual code itself instead of word line in a tags file.

When I looked on the Minecraft wiki, all it had to say was;

Block tags Block tags can be called when testing for block arguments in commands with #(resource location), which succeeds if the block matches any of the blocks specified in the tag.

When I looked to see if anyone else had experienced the same issue, I saw a reddit post, which suggested the feature got removed from the game.

Maybe I am missing something and there is an easy way to specify block states within a datapack tag, or I just have to stomach my personal distaste and use multiple duplicate lines of code. Regardless, any help will be appreciated!

How can I use the wither to make a wood farm?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 04:48 AM PST

I've been playing on this server and I've been thinking about making a wood farm. However, the server has a no duplication rule. They do have a claims plug-in and I can turn mob griefing off and on in each claim, so I was thinking I could use a wither and trap him in a mob griefing 'off' cage so he can't escape, but then make him shoot at the wood that's being made. I couldn't think of any solutions so if anyone knows how to do this let me know.

Do I need Xbox Live Gold to play with my friends on Minecraft?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 04:50 AM PST

My friend plays Minecraft on a PS4 and he has PS-plus. I recently got an Xbox.

Can he join my world or I join his, without an Xbox Live Gold account?

How do I detect when a block is broken?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 05:09 AM PST

I am trying to create a command block creation. However, I want to detect when a certain block in my world is broken, without using observers, only command blocks. How do I do this?

Play games on integrated graphics instead of dedicated GPU?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 04:50 AM PST

I just installed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and it was my first game download ever, and I want to try the multiplayer. The problem is my dedicated GPU is too outdated and unable to handle the game with a playable FPS even with the settings cranked down to 720p very low. My dedicated GPU is NVIDIA MX-130 with 2GB VRAM. I wanted to run the game on my CPU (at least give it a try).

I do understand that this game is incredibly graphic intensive, but I want to give it a try on my integrated graphics which has 2GB more than my dedicated one (Intel UHD 4GB VRAM)

I tried to make the game use my internal GPU but:

  1. In-game settings doesn't list Intel UHD as an option, the only option is the NVIDIA card.

  2. In Windows settings -> Graphic settings, I chose "Power saving: Intel UHD" to run the game, but the game will boot with my NVIDIA option available only.

  3. Inside NVIDIA Control Panel, I selected "Use integrated graphic" for both Warzone and its launcher, but it does nothing.

Sometimes when I change both Windows and NVIDIA Control Panel both to Intel UHD option, the game suggests to run in safe mode or asks to adapt with new changes, and then the game will crash regardless if I chose Yes or No for any dialog option. What can I do now if I want to give it a try on my integrated graphics in this condition?

Cannot click mouse while moving in minecraft

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 06:41 AM PST

In Java Minecraft 1.16.5 I cannot left click my mouse while moving. I am running Dell Inspiron 7746 and Windows 10. I already changed touchpad sensitivity to most sensitive as suggested in many posts. I also learned that reassigning mouse left click to keyboard helps, but I do not like this solution. I also tried disabling touchpad without any luck. I also reinstalled Minecraft. Funny enough I have Windows Minecraft edition on the same computer and it works fine.

What else can I do to fix the problem?

Creating a floating (streaming) water layer on a stationary layers of water

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:30 AM PST

Kelp are efficient for reusable energy and bone meal production and the max height of a kelp can be 26 blocks.

So my design aim:

  • Have 26 (height) layers of stationary water for kelp to grow
  • Make the second layer from bottom slabbed to be able to break all kelp from their second breakpoint whenever you wish
  • Let the design makes broken kelp reach to the surface eventually by buoyancy of water
  • 27th layer must be a floating, streaming water layer (width of 8) to transport the kelp to the edge in the flowing direction

Please see the sketch attached (sorry it's layout is improper).

L : Layer

  • Width: I said 8 since 1 layer of water can transport items up to 8 blocks. Your solution proposal of course may change this
  • Height: I said 27 since max height of a kelp can be 26 blocks + 1 layer of floating water become 27 layers. Your solution proposal of course may change this (if >1 layers needed after 26th layer)
  • Len(gth): I said 5 since one may break farest kelp if slabbed layer is only at 1 side. If slabbed layers are at both sides then length can be 2 * 5 = 10

I tried:

  • Filled 25 layers with stationary water
  • Filled 26th layer with a solid block
  • Made a flowing (streaming) water on 27th layer
  • Broke the solid blocks on 26th layer
  • Dived into water and tried to fill 26th layer with water again

I encountered several issues at my different trials:

  • Kelps did not go up (buoyancy of water failed)
  • Kelps stuck at edge (hoppers couldn't pull them or they didn't fall)

May you please help me?

  1. Is this achievable?
  2. How to achieve this design idea?

minecraft bedrock edition - creating a floating (streaming) water layer on a stationary layers of water

How do I install a mod pack on my server?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:40 AM PST

I want to install my custom mod pack that I made on Curse Forge on my own server. I host the server on my own PC and I gave the server 10 GB of RAM. It's a Forge server, and it's set up correctly I think. But when I try and export the mod pack from Curse Forge it becomes a zip file. I tried just putting the zip into the mods folder, but it only loaded 4 mods while there should be 210. I checked if the mod pack didn't export correctly but when I put it back in Curse Forge it worked fine. I then tried exporting the mods, but I don't know from which folder since there are a lot. Can somebody please help me?

Animal Crossing New Leaf boat is gone

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:39 AM PST

I loaded custom firmware on my 3DS and used it to rebuild my ACNL city exactly like my old one. Everything works fine, but the boat is gone. Is there a way to get it back or can I just never again visit the island?

The next mission is not opening

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:40 AM PST

I don't know how to start the next mission as I completed 50% of the game and now I am finishing all Strangers and Freaks missions.

There is one mission as T but it cannot be accessed. Can anyone tell me how to start the mission of all characters?

How to remove all items in the end dimension without chunks being loaded?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:17 AM PST

Me and my friend were playing on a minecraft server. We dedicided to build this sand/gravel duper:

by Rays Works. Unfortunately we ran this overnight and when we went in the end to pick up the stuff the server crashed because of how many items there were. When we started up the server again, it crashed again. Any ideas to fix this? We would prefer a command soulution. We have also tried /execute as @e[type=item] at @s in minecraft:the_end run kill @s.

Is there a way to disable auto-run in Fortnite on iOS?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 11:07 AM PST

Since the Season 4 update, the auto-run feature can be enabled by holding down and dragging the left movement control. Personally, this has caused a few accidents, like when I'm trying to silently crawl around and I suddenly break out into a full on sprint... blowing my cover.. and of course becoming someone else's easy kill.

Anyone know if this can be disabled? I couldn't find it in the settings. Thanks.

What are the metadatas for lingering potions?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 04:07 AM PST

So on my server we have the plugin MobArena, and what we want is for players on an upgrade wave to get a lingering potion of healing. Now, the item format is like this:

<item>:[metadata]:<amount> {<>=required,[]=optional}  

So I would normally set potions up by doing (health as example) 373:8197:1 So I know that a lingering potion has an ID of 441, but what would be the metadata for a healing lingering potion? Because I can't seem to find the metadata values for lingering potions anywhere.

GTA 5 won't play on Xbox 360 due to missing compatibility packs?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 04:36 AM PST

I am trying to play GTA 5 online on my Xbox 360, but it made me download the compatibility packs. I downloaded them on the hard drive I use to play GTA 5 instead of the memory unit. It says that they are all installed, but it still won't let me play.

Do I have to download it on the memory unit or is there something wrong with the hard drive?

Place block in Minecraft with redstone?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 05:45 AM PST

I'd like to get ore, and place it (without command blocks) anywhere near the contraption. My question is could it be possible to do this, and if so how?

Note: it does not matter on the timing the block comes out, as long as I don't have to wait 15 minutes or so.

How can I loot the bones from St. Eadric's tomb without being detected?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:09 AM PST

In the quest The Guided Hands, you have to steal three items to join The Travelers. One of these, St. Eadric's remains, is causing me grief.

The problem is that three monks are always staring at the casket containing the bones. I can maneuver such that two of the three are unable to see me, but I can't seem to find a place where the third guy can't see me. I've tried waiting until night, but even at 11pm, 1am, and 4am these guys don't seem to sleep. They seem to just sit around all day waiting for thieves to come steal some bones. enter image description here

Is there any way to steal these without being detected?

What are some pros and cons for the different Zerg and Protoss research options?

Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:48 AM PST

In Starcraft 2's single player campaign, two new research options unlock for every 5 Zerg/Protoss research points recovered, up to the maximum of 25 research points per race.

What are the pros and cons of the choices available at each tier for Zerg and Protoss research? Are there particular combinations that work particularly well together?

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