Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Recent Questions - Stack Overflow

Cleanest way to wrap a static class in a non-static object (refactoring to allow mocking)

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I'm working with Java and Kotlin, and the codebase has some legacy static classes which really should be objects, but are too deeply tangled to make them non-static now. I want to be able to cleanly test (using mocks of these static dependencies) some (non-static) classes that depend on these static classes, so I want to wrap the static classes in non-static dummy wrappers, i.e. instantiatable objects whose instance methods just call their static counterparts. I'll then mock these wrappers in unit tests (I don't want to just use static mocking).

The manual way to do this is for each static class Foo with method public static void bar(), define a new class FooWrapper with method public void bar() that just calls Foo.bar(), instantiate a FooWrapper at the top of my class, and switch all the current calls to Foo.bar() to instead call fooWrapperInstance.bar().

The above works fine but involves a lot of boring Wrapper classes that do nothing but pass calls. Is there some syntactic sugar (either Java or Kotlin is fine, but it has to work with Java) that will create, or at least shorten, these wrapper classes for me? I'm familiar with Guava's ForwardingObject but it seems to only work when the underlying logic is in an instance already, which mine is not.

displaing one array multiple times in react

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

when i sent message i want it to display . but now its displaying same message multiple time like 4/5 times .

const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);        socket.on(room, (msg) => {     setMessages(message=>[...message, msg]);  });      
return (          <div style={{ "paddingTop": "10px", "backgroundColor": "rgb(85, 85, 85)" }} className="chat-messages">              {                  messages ? messages.map((message,index) => (                      <div className="message " key={index}>                          <p className="meta"> {message.user} <span> {message.time} </span> <span></span></p>                          <p className="text" style={{ "maxWidth": "80ch", "overflowWrap": "break-word" }}> {message.msg} </p>                      </div>                  )) : ''              }          </div>      )    

RecyclerView inside a fragment in android studio crashing my app

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

My App is crashing whenever I try to put a recyclerView inside a fragment.

I can't figure out what is going on. I tried using a button to replace the layout in Fragment. App was starting fine but whenever I click the button the App Crashes


   public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {      RecyclerView recyclerView;        @Override      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {            super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);          setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);          recyclerView=findViewById(R.id.recyclerView);            FrameLayout frameLayout = new FrameLayout(this);          frameLayout.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));          frameLayout.setId(R.id.layout);            setContentView(frameLayout);              getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(R.id.layout,new Fragment1()).commit();        }  }  

fragment class:

    public class Fragment1 extends Fragment {      String[] Text={"he","hdhd","hdhdhdh","dhlsd","hshdsss","he","hdhd"};        @Nullable      @Override      public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {          View view = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.rows,container,false);            RecyclerView recyclerView = view.findViewById(R.id.RecyclerView2);            ImrulsAdapter Adapter = new ImrulsAdapter(getContext(),Text);          recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getContext()));          recyclerView.setAdapter(Adapter);            return view;      }  }    

Custom Adapter Class:

public class ImrulsAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ImrulsAdapter.ImrulsViewHolder> {        String[]Text;      Context context;        public ImrulsAdapter(Context context, String[] text ) {          Text = text;          this.context = context;      }              @NonNull      @Override      public ImrulsViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {          View view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.rows,parent,false);            return new ImrulsViewHolder(view);      }        @Override      public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ImrulsViewHolder holder, int position) {          holder.textView.setText(Text[position]);        }        @Override      public int getItemCount() {          return Text.length;      }        public class ImrulsViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder{          TextView textView;            public ImrulsViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) {              super(itemView);              textView= itemView.findViewById(R.id.textView);          }      }  }  

activity_main xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout      xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"      xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent"      tools:context=".MainActivity"      android:id="@+id/Constraint_Layout">        <androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView          android:layout_width="match_parent"          android:layout_height="match_parent"          app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent"          app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent"          app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias="0.5"          app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"          app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent"          android:id="@+id/recyclerView"/>  </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>  

Fragment xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <FrameLayout      xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"      xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent">        <androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView          android:layout_width = "match_parent"          android:layout_height="wrap_content"          android:id="@+id/RecyclerView2">          </androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView>    </FrameLayout>  

Adapter Rows xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout      xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"      xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="wrap_content">        <androidx.cardview.widget.CardView          android:id="@+id/cardView"          android:layout_width="409dp"          android:layout_height="wrap_content"          app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent"          app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent"          app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias="0.5"          app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"          app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent">            <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout              android:layout_width="match_parent"              android:layout_height="match_parent">                <TextView                  android:id="@+id/textView"                  style="@style/Widget.AppCompat.TextView.SpinnerItem"                  android:layout_width="407dp"                  android:layout_height="100dp"                  android:text="TextView"                  app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent"                  app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent"                  app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias="0.5"                  app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"                  app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />          </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>      </androidx.cardview.widget.CardView>    </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>  

Android Manifest:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      package="com.example.recyclerviewinsideafragment">        <application          android:allowBackup="true"          android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"          android:label="@string/app_name"          android:roundIcon="@mipmap/ic_launcher_round"          android:supportsRtl="true"          android:largeHeap="true"            android:hardwareAccelerated="false"          android:theme="@style/Theme.RecyclerViewInsideAFragment">          <activity              android:name=".MainActivity"              android:exported="true">              <intent-filter>                  <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />              </intent-filter>          </activity>      </application>    </manifest>    Dependencies:  plugins {      id 'com.android.application'  }    android {      compileSdk 31        defaultConfig {          applicationId "com.example.recyclerviewinsideafragment"          minSdk 21          targetSdk 31          versionCode 1          versionName "1.0"            testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"      }        buildTypes {          release {              minifyEnabled false              proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'          }      }      compileOptions {          sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8          targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8      }  }    dependencies {        implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.1'      implementation 'com.google.android.material:material:1.4.0'      implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'      implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.3.0-alpha01'      implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.1'      implementation 'androidx.fragment:fragment:1.3.6'      testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.+'      androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.3'      androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.4.0'    }  

My last array overwrites all my previous arrays, how do I fix this?

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

All my output is fine individually but the moment it gets to the last two lines inactiveResultsOnce and inactiveResultsRecurring all my previous arrays gets overwritten. How do I fix this issue so when it iterates over paymentsResultsOnce it saves the data then goes to the next... and so on.

    function getCatType(order) {    switch (order.type) {      case "Invoice":      case "One-time":      case "One-Time":      case "Free":      case "Single Sessions":      case "Semester":        return "Once";      case "Recurring":      case order.justDeposit === true:        return "Recurring";      default:        return null;    }  }    // This is for the payments section  function typeOfPayment(type) {    return paymentsResults.filter(order => {      return getCatType(order) === type;    });  }    const paymentsResultsOnce = typeOfPayment("Once");  const paymentsResultsRecurring = typeOfPayment("Recurring");    // This is for the pending section    function typeOfPayment(type) {    return pendingResults.filter(order => {      return getCatType(order) === type;    });  }    const pendingResultsOnce = typeOfPayment("Once");  const pendingResultsRecurring = typeOfPayment("Recurring");    // This is for the inactive section    function typeOfPayment(type) {    return inactive.filter(order => {      return getCatType(order) === type;    });  }    const inactiveResultsOnce = typeOfPayment("Once");  const inactiveResultsRecurring = typeOfPayment("Recurring");  

How to obtain "jagged" edges on silhouette images?

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

I am trying to replicate a paper in which silhouette images are transformed in order to have jagged edge: enter image description here

Unfortunately, the paper doesn't provide any detail about how these were generated. Do you guys have any idea how could I go around it? Doesn't need to be exactly the same, the important bit is to mess up with the local features of each object. Ideally I would like to do it in python with OpenCV/PIL/PyTorch, but anything is ok really. Thanks.

How to rearrange pandas data frame

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

TestJob1|29.10.2021 21:25:06   program                                       TestProgram1                                 job                                                 TestJob1                                 SUV         [Toolname: Sky;, oops: 8;, ill/Cut: ill]                                 C2        [Toolname: T04;, oops: 9;, ill/Cut: ill]  TestJob2|29.10.2021 21:25:07   program                                       TestProgram2                                 job                                                 TestJob2                                 SUV         [Toolname: Sky;, oops: 8;, ill/Cut: ill]                                 C2        [Toolname: T04_5;, oops: 9;, ill/Cut: ill]  

This is currently what my DF looks like

Im trying to get it to look like:

Job Program SUV/C2 Stools
TestJob1 TestProgram1 SUV Toolname: Sky
oops: 8
ill/Cut: ill
C2 Toolname: T04_5
oops: 9
ill/Cut: ill
TestJob2 TestProgram2 SUV Toolname: Sky
oops: 8
ill/Cut: ill
C2 Toolname: T04_5
oops: 9
ill/Cut: ill

This is what ive got for code so far. this is usually a long txt file. ive shortend for this post. some times the "SUV" ad "C2" list are much longer. Thank you fir your help`

from collections import defaultdict  import pandas as pd  import re    job_dictionary = defaultdict(list)  job_dictionary = {}  with open('txt_file') as my_file:      for line in my_file:          line = line.strip("# \n")        # clean up whitespace and # for lines          if not line:                     # skip empty lines              continue            startstring = "Start Job"            if startstring in line:              nm = line.split('-- ')[0]              result = re.search('-- (.*)_AV1_', line)              job = result.group(1).split('_')[0]+'|'+nm              program = result.group(1)              job_dictionary[job] = {}              job_dictionary[job]['program'] = program              job_dictionary[job]['job'] = result.group(1).split('_')[0]                continue            startstring = ": "            if startstring in line:                job_dictionary[job][ltype].append(line)                continue          startstring = "C2"            if startstring in line:              ltype = startstring                job_dictionary[job][ltype] = []              continue          startstring = "SUV"            if startstring in line:              ltype = startstring                job_dictionary[job][ltype] = []              continue          # print(job_dictionary)          startstring = "Z-Value ="            if startstring in line:              continue          startstring = "SCALEX"            if startstring in line:              continue          startstring = "End Job:"            if startstring in line:              continue    df = pd.concat({k: pd.Series(v) for k, v in job_dictionary.items()})    print(df)  

Batch File - Colored text only works outside of if

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

i have a problem. In this code:

for %%n in (%listPath%) do (              echo Starting Build      echo.      devenv %%n /build Debug            if ERRORLEVEL 1 (          echo [101;93m ERROR: Error Build Project: %%n [0m          pause > nul          exit /b      )  )  

Why the line echo [101;93m ERROR: Error Build Project: %%n [0m works only outside the if statement? I want to display a red error inside the if. Thanks

scene is gray color and skybox disappear on unity game engine

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

In my project scenen window look like gray or black, but game window is normal! Please help me! Thank you! ps:The same as create new project!

enter image description here

enter image description here

Downloading s3 bucket to local directory but files not copying?

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

There are many, many examples of how to download a directory of files from an s3 bucket to a local directory.

aws s3 cp s3://<bucket>/<directory> /<path>/<to>/<local>/ --recursive

However, I run this command from my AWS CLI that I've connected to and see confirmation in the terminal like:

download: s3://mybucket/myfolder/data1.json to /my/local/dir/data1.json  download: s3://mybucket/myfolder/data2.json to /my/local/dir/data2.json  download: s3://mybucket/myfolder/data3.json to /my/local/dir/data3.json  ...  

But then I check /my/local/dir for the files, and my directory is empty. I've tried using the sync command instead, I've tried copying just a single file - nothing seems to work right now. In the past I did successfully run this command and downloaded the files as expected.

Why are my files not being copied now, despite seeing no errors?

Why is UnityWebRequest so slow in Unity 2020.3.19f1

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I just upgraded my project from Unity 2017 to 2020.3.19f1 version, however I found that our UnityWebRequest response time became so long. Here is my test using UnityWebRequest to Get www.yahoo.com in an empty project within Unity 2017 and 2020.3.19. Does anyone also encounter this problem ? Here is

Picture of response time showing difference between the two versions.

IF ELSE, datetime.strptime

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I am working with the below function

def convStr2Date(given):        if type(given) != str:          return given      pattern = r'^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}|.*)'      rv = re.search(pattern, given).group(1)      if rv:          return datetime.strptime(rv, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')  

which gives me the error ValueError: time data '2021-10-01' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

So I added an else: statement, but still getting the same error, where am I going wrong?


def convStr2Date(given):      if type(given) != str:          return given      pattern = r'^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}|.*)'      rv = re.search(pattern, given).group(1)      if rv:          return datetime.strptime(rv, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')      else:          return datetime.strptime(rv, '%Y-%m-%d')  

in batch script compare extension with file extension and move

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

How to write a batch script according to the following instructions:

  1. Take only folder name as input.
  2. List all the files in that folder.
  3. Loop through each file, and extract its extension.
  4. Check if a directory exists with that extension, if not, create it.
  5. Move the file to its respective extension named folder.

This is what I tried:

@echo off  set /p folder= please enter folder name:  :: dir %folder%  for %%a in (%folder%\*.*) do  echo %%a  set /p extension=enter extension:  if exist %folder%\*.%extension%  goto create  :create  set /p dir=enter directory:  mkdir %dir%  move  %folder%\*.%extension%  %dir%  if notexist %folder%\*.%extension%  echo not exist  pause  

how to Search for duplicates in list (javascript)?

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I try to look for duplicates in the array and get an error, and I glad for any solution for this problem Attached is code:

let names = itemList[0].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerText;  for (i = 1; i < itemList.length; i++) {    if (!(itemList[i].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerText in names)) {      names.push(itemList[i].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerText);    }  }  

How to split a date column into day/month/year columns using python

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

I have a csv file with just one column 'date' formatted as integer:


The solution would be to split the integer into different columns to represent day, month, year and quarter, like:

date day month year quarter
20181231 31 12 2018 4
20190107 07 01 2019 1
20210329 29 03 2021 2
... ... ... ... ...

I would appreciate every kind of solution but I should resolve it using a python program without using pandas library.

So I write something like this:

''' import csv reader = csv.reader(open('date.csv', 'r')) writer = csv.writer(open('datesplit.csv', 'w'))

for line in reader:       year = line[0][:3]      month = line[0][4:5]      day = line[0][6:]  


Thanks for helping

How to edit each line of file and write to file after each edit

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I have a file that is very large. I need to rearrange something in the file but the file is too large to load into memory. I was thinking of ways to achieve this goal and what I came up with was just editing the file line by line. So what I need to do is read the file, remove certain columns, and then write the file. As I mentioned before, the file is very large so I need to write the file as the script runs. I will give an example data set and the code that I am using

Here is an example dataset

{'CHROM': {0: 'chr1', 1: 'chr1'}, 'POS': {0: 10397, 1: 12719}, 'ID': {0: '.', 1: '.'}, 'REF': {0: 'CCCCTAA', 1: 'G'}, 'ALT': {0: 'C', 1: 'C'}, 'QUAL': {0: 943.64, 1: 255.34}, 'FILTER': {0: 'VQSRTrancheINDEL99.00to100.00', 1: 'VQSRTrancheSNP99.80to100.00'}, 'INFO': {0: 'AC=1;AF=0.5;AN=2;BaseQRankSum=1.07;ClippingRankSum=-0.322;DP=11;ExcessHet=0.2139;FS=1.056;InbreedingCoeff=0.1828;MQ=27.81;MQ0=0;MQRankSum=1.59;NEGATIVE_TRAIN_SITE;QD=25.5;ReadPosRankSum=0.572;SOR=0.922;VQSLOD=-2.735;culprit=DP', 1: 'AC=1;AF=0.5;AN=2;BaseQRankSum=-0.922;ClippingRankSum=-0.198;DP=7;ExcessHet=0.0067;FS=0;InbreedingCoeff=0.4331;MQ=24.5;MQ0=0;MQRankSum=-1.495;QD=17.02;ReadPosRankSum=1.5;SOR=3.126;VQSLOD=-28.96;culprit=MQ'}, 'FORMAT': {0: 'GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL', 1: 'GT:AB:AD:DP:GQ:PL'}, 'CGND-HDA-03201': {0: '0/1:5,6:11:99:224,0,156', 1: '0/1:0.29:2,5:7:42:126,0,42'}, 'CGND-HDA-03202': {0: '0/1:5,6:11:99:224,0,156', 1: '0/1:0.29:2,5:7:42:126,0,42'}}  

Here is the code that I am using

n = 0  for line in open(input, "r+"):      li=line.strip()      if li.startswith("#"):          n = n+1      if not li.startswith("#"):          test = li.split("\t")          test2 = (f"{test[0]}\t{test[1]}\t{test[9:]}")          with open("output.txt","w") as out:              out.write(test2, sep='\t')  

I have a few problems here

  1. the output contain on one single line, the last line that was read. For example, the file contains one line like this

    chr1 1021791 ['0/1:0.56:22,17:39:99:414,0,623', '0/1:0.56:22,17:39:99:414,0,623']

  2. I don't want the output to have any bracket. I need the output to look more like this

    chr1 1021791 0/1:0.56:22,17:39:99:414,0,623 0/1:0.56:22,17:39:99:414,0,623

  3. I need the ouput file to be tab delimited

Is there a way I can continuously write to a file after each line is edited?

The original file does contain #'s that I didn't show here, so the part of the script that ignores lines with #'s is required I know this can easily be done using bash but I am looking for a solution using python.

Failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: initialization error

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I am trying to run tensorflow with gpu support in a docker on a virtual machine. I have tried lots of online solutions including:

none of the solutions work for me, here some steps:

I verified that drivers and cuda and cudnn toolkit are installed inside the container using nvidia-smi and nvcc -V:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Python version is : Python 3.8.10

and tensorflow version is:

import tensorflow as tf   tf.__version__  '2.6.0'  

The error appears with: tf.config.list_physical_devices()

enter image description here

So the GPU is somehow not visible to the tensorflow. All tensorflow builds return the same error:

 E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_driver.cc:271] failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: initialization error  

but for example for 1.14 there is an additional comment regarding the CPU type:

Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 AVX512F FMA  

enter image description here

The GPU is a A100 and the CPU is Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6226R.

What is going on here? How do I fix this?

Sql order by string and int

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

I have table with column days, this days value is like this:

day 1  day 2  day 3  day 4  ...  day n  

In my database these row are not ordered, so i want to retrieve it ordered by the int after the string: example i have

day 2  day 4  day 1  day 3  

=> to got

day 1  day 2  day 3  day 4  

Changing column type and value is the best option but i want to work with this structure if there is an option to retrieve it.

Shift with dynamic n (number of position lead / lag by)

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I have the below df:

df <- data.table(user = c('a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b')                   , spend = 1:5                   , shift_by = c(1,1,2,1,1)                   ); df       user spend shift_by  1:    a     1        1  2:    a     2        1  3:    a     3        2  4:    b     4        1  5:    b     5        1  

and am looking to create a lead lag column only this time the n parameter in data.table's shift function is dynamic and takes df$shiftby as input. My expected result is:

df[, spend_shifted := c(NA, 1, 1, NA, 4)]; df       user spend shift_by spend_shifted  1:    a     1        1            NA  2:    a     2        1             1  3:    a     3        2             1  4:    b     4        1            NA  5:    b     5        1             4  

However, with the below attempt it gives:

df[, spend_shifted := shift(x=spend, n=shift_by, type="lag"), x]; df       user spend shift_by spend_shifted  1:    a     1        1            NA  2:    a     2        1            NA  3:    a     3        2            NA  4:    b     4        1            NA  5:    b     5        1            NA  

This is the closest example I could find. However, I need a group by and am after a data.table solution because of speed. Truly look forward to finding any ideas. Thank you

Can someone tell why this code doesn't work

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I'm trying to open and read csv file When I try to do this the window inserted in this question displays this. How can I fix this or what am I doing wrong?

I have tried muiltple things and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I am doing this in devc++ and am looking for answers at this point

The output should be:

Starting time Fri Aug 06 13:06:40 2010       Ending time Thu Apr 10 13:09:09 2014  Temperature Sensor 1 Average:  -459.7ºF  Temperature Sensor 2 Average: 440.3ºF  Temperature Sensor 3 Average:  77.2ºF  

This is the file I opened:

Test File #1 35 lines inc. header

1281100000,0,2047,1221  1281200000,0,2047,1221  1321300000,0,2047,1221  1331400000,0,2047,1221  1341703600,0,2047,1221  1351707899,0,2047,1221  1361703600,0,2047,1221  1371200000,0,2047,1221  1371300000,0,2047,1221  1387400000,0,2047,1221  1387703600,0,2047,1221  1388707899,0,2047,1221  1389703600,0,2047,1221  1390200000,0,2047,1221  1390300000,0,2047,1221  1390400000,0,2047,1221  1390703600,0,2047,1221  1390707899,0,2047,1221  1391703600,0,2047,1221  1392200000,0,2047,1221  1392300000,0,2047,1221  1392400000,0,2047,1221  1392703600,0,2047,1221  1392707899,0,2047,1221  1393703600,0,2047,1221  1394200000,0,2047,1221  1394300000,0,2047,1221  1394400000,0,2047,1221  1394703600,0,2047,1221  1394707899,0,2047,1221  1395703600,0,2047,1221  1395713600,0,2047,1221  1396707899,0,2047,1221  1397135349,0,2047,1221  
        #include <stdio.h>          #include <windows.h>          #include <string.h>          #include <stdlib.h>          #include <time.h>                    // For Red, Blue And Yellow Color          #define RED  "\x1B[31m"          #define BLU  "\x1B[34m"          #define YEL  "\x1B[33m"          // Color Reset          #define RESET "\033[0m"                    // Print Long Date In Human Readable Format          void printDate(unsigned long date) {              time_t seconds = date;              struct tm* tm = localtime(&date);              char months[][4] = {                  "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN",                  "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"              };                        // Print Fomatted Date              printf("%02d-%s-%d %02d:%02d:%02d", tm->tm_mday, months[tm->tm_mon], tm->tm_year + 1900,                  tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);          }                    // Convert Reading To Fahrenheight          double readingToFahrenheit(double reading) {              double mv = ((reading / 2047) * 5000);              double kelvin = mv / 10;              return (kelvin - 273.15) * (9.0/5.0) + 32;          }                    // Print Colored Temperature Output          void printColoredOutput(double temp) {              if (temp < 50.0)  {                  printf("%s%.2f F%s", BLU, temp, RESET);              } else if (temp > 90.0) {                  printf("%s%.2f F%s", RED, temp, RESET);              } else {                  printf("%s%.2f F%s", YEL, temp, RESET);              }          }                    // Main          int main(void) {              char filePath[256];                        // Read File Name From The User              printf("Enter The File Path: ");              fgets(filePath, sizeof(filePath) - 1, stdin);                        // Remove New Line From The End Of File Path              filePath[strlen(filePath) - 1] = '\0';                        FILE * fp;              fp = fopen(filePath, "r");                        if (fp == NULL) {                  printf("Error: %s Cannot Be Opened!\n", filePath);                  return -1;              } else {                  // Process File                  unsigned long date;                  int temp1, temp2, temp3;                  int lineCount = 0;                  double sumTemp1, sumTemp2, sumTemp3;                            // First Line                  if ((fscanf(fp, "%lu,%d,%d,%d", &date, &temp1, &temp2, &temp3)) == 4) {                      printf("Starting Time: ");                      printDate(date);                      sumTemp1 = temp1;                      sumTemp2 = temp2;                      sumTemp3 = temp3;                      lineCount++;                  }                            // Rest Of The Lines                  while ((fscanf(fp, "%lu,%d,%d,%d", &date, &temp1, &temp2, &temp3)) == 4) {                      sumTemp1 += temp1;                      sumTemp2 += temp2;                      sumTemp3 += temp3;                      lineCount++;                  }                            // Display Result                  printf("\nEnding Time: ");                  printDate(date);                            // Compute Average                  double temp1Avg = sumTemp1 / lineCount;                  double temp2Avg = sumTemp2 / lineCount;                  double temp3Avg = sumTemp3 / lineCount;                            // Print Average                  printf("\nTemperature Sensor 1 Average: ");                  printColoredOutput(readingToFahrenheit(temp1Avg));                  printf("\nTemperature Sensor 2 Average: ");                  printColoredOutput(readingToFahrenheit(temp2Avg));                  printf("\nTemperature Sensor 3 Average: ");                  printColoredOutput(readingToFahrenheit(temp3Avg));                  printf("\n");              }              return 0;          }  

the window when I try to run the program

Helm dependency range failure

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

Take an umbrella chart, umbrella_chart, with one subchart, sub_chart:

umbrella_chart has dependencies defined as follows in it's Chart.yaml:

apiVersion: v2  name: umbrella_chart  description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes    type: application    version: 0.1.0    appVersion: 0.1.0    dependencies:    - name: sub_chart      version: "~0.1.0"      repository: "@local-development"  

And sub_chart has a Chart.yaml like:

apiVersion: v2  name: sub_chart  description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes    type: application    version: 0.1.0    maintainers:    - name: Me    appVersion: 0.1.0  

As part of my CI/CD pipeline, I want to append the Jenkins build number to the sub_chart's version number, before packaging and pushing. This works fine. For build 123 I end up with a version of 0.1.0-123 pushed to local-development.

helm search repo --versions --devel  NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                        local-development/sub_chart       0.1.0-123      0.1.0           A Helm chart for Kubernetes     

However, when I run helm dep up umbrella_chart I get the following error:

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...  ...Successfully got an update from the "local-development" chart repository  Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈  Error: can't get a valid version for repositories sub_chart. Try changing the version constraint in Chart.yaml  

I thought the use of the tilde would allow helm take any chart version >0.1.0 and <0.2.0? Do I need to have a version 0.1.0 of sub_chart in my repo to be able to build umbrella_chart? Will it use the correct 0.1.0-123 version of sub_chart in that instance?

Thanks for any help

How to determine the port on which a Windows service is listening?

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

I have running a Windows service called my-service. The only input that I know is the service name.

I can get the process identifier by using the service name:

$id = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "name='my-service'" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessId  

To get a list of Listening ports, I can use netstat, but all my custom services have PID 4 which is not equal to the service process identifier of Get-WmiObject cmdlet.

netstat.exe -ano

The goal is to get the port on which the service is listening by using PowerShell or CMD based on the service name or the process identifier and NOT by the image name.

Make string operations on field in mongodb collection (Aggregation & regex)

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

I am using a collection in Mongo with a price field with multiple money type :

{    price: '15 gp' // 15 gold pieces  }  


{    price: '4 sp' // 0.4 gold pieces  }  

I'm looking for a way to modify this field before querying the collection.

For example doing string modifications to remove the gp/sp and doing math operations to have a correct price in "GP" (1 GP = 10 SP)

This would help ordering the collection since mongo can't understand that 10 sp < 2 gp.

Is there a way to use Aggregation and regex to do it ?

PostgreSQL SELECT based on value in JSON object

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

I would like to query a table, orders, anad select all rows based on a value in a json object in a column, updates.

I want to select all rows that are within 5 days from the last time it was closed.

It is a PostgreSQL 12 database.

[    {      "time": {        "__type": "Date",        "iso": "2021-09-16T09:31:57.976Z"      },      "userId": "xKn5A1GuLV",      "to": "created",      "role": "admin"    },    {      "time": {        "__type": "Date",        "iso": "2021-09-16T09:31:57.976Z"      },      "userId": "xKn5A1GuLV",      "to": "opened",      "role": "admin",      "from": "created"    },    {      "time": {        "__type": "Date",        "iso": "2021-10-12T12:10:44.688Z"      },      "userId": "Hd37AyKJsN",      "to": "closed",      "role": "admin",      "from": "opened"    },    {      "time": {        "__type": "Date",        "iso": "2021-10-12T12:10:54.224Z"      },      "userId": "Hd37AyKJsN",      "to": "opened",      "role": "admin",      "from": "closed"    },    {      "time": {        "__type": "Date",        "iso": "2021-10-12T12:40:58.476Z"      },      "userId": "Hd37AyKJsN",      "to": "closed",      "role": "admin",      "from": "opened"    }  ]  

Using CSVhelper to update a single column into a previously written CSV file . I have the code in Java but can't translate it into C#

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

Essentially I have to read and update the CSVfile (only one column) with the current date after the test finishes executing(ie,there are some values written in at the start of the test execution and then I need to update the same file to input another value). I also have a DateTime error which isn't getting resolved no matter what I try.

Sample of CSV start of test

    RunId     ProductArea       Product         Component          PageObject   Control TimeTakenByLocatorJson  Run_645987    R201              BN2018.5         N778              BC1          C143        

CSV one column Needs to get updated after test ( TimeTakenByLocatorJson)

    RunId     ProductArea       Product         Component          PageObject   Control TimeTakenByLocatorJson  Run_645987    R201              BN2018.5         N778              BC1          C143      2021-07-19  

I've been trying to update a CSV file using CSVhelper. The code I have is in Java and when I tried translating the same code in C# it doesn't work.

This is the code in Java

public synchronized void writeEndCSV(String runId)       {          CSVWriter csvWriter = null;          try          {              String setupCSVLocation = Reporting.getSetupCSVLocation();              CSVReader csvReader =  new CSVReader(new FileReader(setupCSVLocation));              List<String[]> records = csvReader.readAll();              for(int i=0;i<records.size();i++)              {                  if(records.get(i)[SETUP_RUNID].equalsIgnoreCase(runId));                  {                      records.get(i)[SETUP_TimeTakenByLocatorJSON] = Reporting.getExecutionEndDate();                                       }              }                 csvReader.close();              csvWriter = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(setupCSVLocation));              csvWriter.writeAll(records);              csvWriter.flush();              csvWriter.close();             }          catch (Exception e)           {              e.printStackTrace();          }      }  

This is my code in C# (I'm new to .Net so I'm not sure about many parts)

     public void writeEnd(string runId)          {              var records = Enumerable.Empty<LocatorTime>();              try              {                  var config = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)                  {                      // Don't write the header again.                      HasHeaderRecord = false,                  };                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"D:\Reports\" + runId + @"\LocatorTime.csv"))                  using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, config))                  {                      //csv.Context.RegisterClassMap<LocatorTime>();                      records = csv.GetRecords<LocatorTime>().ToList();                        foreach (var record in records)                      {                          if (record.RunID == runId)                          {                               record.TimeTakenByLocatorJSON = DateTime.Now;                             }                         // Console.WriteLine("inside loop");                      }                  }//Endof Stream Reader                                    using (var stream = File.Open(@"D:\Reports\" + runId + @"\LocatorTime.csv", FileMode.Append))  //not sure what the file mode should be                   using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))                  using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))                  {                        csv.WriteRecords(records);                    }              }              catch (Exception e)              {                  Console.WriteLine(e);              }          }//end func writeEnd  

This is the class used for the csv file & are also the column names in the csvfile

    public class LocatorTime      {                    public string RunID { get; set; }          public string ProductArea { get; set; }          public string Product { get; set; }          public string Component { get; set; }          public string PageObject { get; set; }          public string Control { get; set; }          public DateTime TimeTakenByLocatorJSON //only this value needs to be written for update at end of exec                  {              get;              set;          }/*error because of DateTime datatype how to resolve?*/  }//LocatorTimeClass     /*public void SetExeDate() //tried this for removing DateTime error, didn't work           {               DateTime today = DateTime.Today; // As DateTime               string s_today = today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // As String               //TimeTakenByLocatorJSON = s_today.Trim();               TimeTakenByLocatorJSON = Convert.ToDateTime(s_today);}    */            public sealed class LocatorTimeMap : ClassMap<LocatorTime> //is mapping helpful for updating? currently commented out      {          public LocatorTimeMap()          {              Map(m => m.RunID).Index(0);              Map(m => m.ProductArea).Index(1);              Map(m => m.Product).Index(2);              Map(m => m.Component).Index(3);              Map(m => m.PageObject).Index(4);              Map(m => m.Control).Index(5);            Map(m => m.TimeTakenByLocatorJSON).Index(6); //error          }      }  

I had used the below link as reference for trying to update the CSV file hence the use of "HasHeaderRecord = false" https://joshclose.github.io/CsvHelper/examples/writing/appending-to-an-existing-file/

Social Login doesn't work in Android browser app

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PDT

I have a question regarding social login for horsedeal24.com. We're using Sharetribe Flex as API solution for our marketplace app and just configured social login. We relied on these documentations:

Google: https://www.sharetribe.com/docs/cookbook-social-logins-and-sso/enable-google-login/ Facebook: https://www.sharetribe.com/docs/cookbook-social-logins-and-sso/enable-facebook-login/

We now noticed that users can't login if they use our android browser app - it seems that our app does not have permission yet for OAuth (see screenshots) but we also don't know how to grant access.

Google Error: 403:disallowed_useragent Facebook Error: For your account security, logging into Facebook from an embedded browser is disabled.

Here you can download our beta version of our android app to reproduce the issue. Simply try to create an account by using social login.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards, Beni

Google & Facebook ErrorFacebook App Settings

Non destructive modify hash table

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

Is it possible to non-destructively add new key-value pairs to a Common Lisp (SBCL) hash table? The standard way to add new elements to a hash table is to call:

(setf (gethash key *hash-table*) value)  

but the call to setf modifies *hash-table* corrupting the original. I have an application where I'd like to take advantage of the efficiency of hash table lookups, but I also would like to non destructively modify them. The work-around I see is to copy the original hash table before operating on it, but that is not practical in my case since the hash tables I'm dealing with contain many thousands of elements and copying large hash tables, say, in a loop would negate the computational efficiency advantage of using them in the first place.

RecyclerView in ViewPager won't Scroll

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

In my app I have my main page, in it a ViewPager. I can navigate between fragments in the ViewPager using a drawerLayout. One of the fragments is a RecyclerView (in a FrameLayout). The problem is I cannot scroll the RecyclerView.

I've asked a question of the sort before, and got the solution, only it was a ScrollView instead of RecyclerView, and the ViewPager was in a ConstraintLayout, and now it has to be in a RelativeLayout so the drawerLayout could exist.

code of the layouts:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"      xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"      android:id="@+id/mainScreenContainer"      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent"      android:background="?attr/colorPrimary"      tools:context=".MainActivity">          <include          android:id="@+id/mainToolbar"          layout="@layout/main_toolbar_layout" />        <com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout          android:id="@+id/mainTabLayout"          android:layout_width="0dp"          android:layout_height="0dp"          android:visibility="gone">            <com.google.android.material.tabs.TabItem              android:id="@+id/main"              android:layout_width="match_parent"              android:layout_height="0dp" />            <com.google.android.material.tabs.TabItem              android:id="@+id/activeGoals"              android:layout_width="match_parent"              android:layout_height="0dp" />            <com.google.android.material.tabs.TabItem              android:id="@+id/achievedGoals"              android:layout_width="match_parent"              android:layout_height="0dp" />            <com.google.android.material.tabs.TabItem              android:id="@+id/stats"              android:layout_width="match_parent"              android:layout_height="0dp" />            <com.google.android.material.tabs.TabItem              android:id="@+id/tipsAndTricks"              android:layout_width="match_parent"              android:layout_height="0dp" />            <com.google.android.material.tabs.TabItem              android:id="@+id/aboutUs"              android:layout_width="match_parent"              android:layout_height="0dp" />        </com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout>        <androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager          android:id="@+id/mainViewPager"          android:layout_width="match_parent"          android:layout_height="0dp"          android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"          android:layout_below="@id/mainToolbar"/>        <androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout          android:id="@+id/drawerLayout"          android:layout_width="match_parent"          android:layout_height="match_parent"          android:fitsSystemWindows="true"          android:layout_below="@id/mainToolbar">            <com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationView              android:id="@+id/list_nav_drawer"              android:layout_width="wrap_content"              android:layout_height="match_parent"              android:layout_gravity="start"              app:menu="@menu/menu_items" />          </androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout>        </RelativeLayout>  


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent"      android:fillViewport="true"      tools:context=".ActiveGoals">        <androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView          android:id="@+id/activeGoalsRecyclerView"          android:layout_width="match_parent"          android:layout_height="match_parent" />    </FrameLayout>  

I'd want the RecyclerView to be scrollable. thanks in advance (:

manifest.json vs manifest.webmanifest

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I'm developing an application using mongodb, Node.JS and PWA. In the first step of developing I don't know what is the difference between manifest.json and manifest.webmanifest.

Object returning NaN when sum values

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:17 AM PDT

I'll admit I'm weak in JavaScript and JSON. I've spent a lot of time attempting to figure out why numbers from my objects returns NaN when they are added together. With that in mind, below is my JSON, stored to a variable:

var data = [      {          "acc_ext_id": null,          "cat_code": 10002,          "cat_ds": "REVENUE",          "category_id": null,          "chart_id": null,          "created_at": null,          "dept_id": null,          "feb": null,          "id": null,          "jan": 30,          "note": null,          "total_cost": null,          "updated_at": null,          "year_id": null      },      {          "acc_ext_id": "41260-02600",          "cat_code": 10002,          "cat_ds": "REVENUE",          "category_id": 2,          "chart_id": 2373,          "created_at": "2013-01-15 16:43:52.169213",          "dept_id": 86,          "feb": 45,          "id": 3,          "jan": 60,          "note": "Two",          "total_cost": 105,          "updated_at": "2013-01-15 16:43:52.169213",          "year_id": 1      }  ]  

I then attempt to iterate over the objects and sum the values:

var jan;    for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++){       if(data[i].jan != null){              jan += parseFloat(data[i].jan);          console.log(jan);      }  }  

Printed out in the console is NaN. I've attempted to parse the number as well as leave it raw, but to no avail. Is there something wrong with my objects? Here is a jsFiddle to illustrate: http://jsfiddle.net/5E2pm/3/

Javascript fade in fade out without Jquery and CSS3

Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

I am really squeezing my head to make the simple fade in and fade out of the background image work only with javascript without JQuery and CSS3. I know how easy is to call a fadeIn() and fadeOut() in Jquery. Unfortunately in my project I am working, they don't support Jquery. I want to support the animation from IE6 for your info.

On click of the links the corresponding background of the div to be faded in and out from the previously existing background. I am trying to make it work based on setinterval but could not do it.

function handleClick(evt){      var element = document.getElementsByClassName(evt.target.id);      fade(element);    }   function fade(element) {      var op = 1;  // initial opacity      var timer = setInterval(function () {          if (op <= 0.1){              clearInterval(timer);              element.style.display = 'none';          }          element.style.opacity = op;          element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + op * 100 + ")";          op -= op * 0.1;      }, 50);  }  


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