Thursday, May 27, 2021

Recent Questions - Arqade

Recent Questions - Arqade

What does "Guardians Make Their Own Fate" mean?

Posted: 27 May 2021 12:44 AM PDT

In Vault of Glass, triggering the DPS phase is indicated when a message at the lower left corner says "Guardians make their own fate.".

I'm not sure why it's worded this way or if it has a deeper meaning than to tell the player to start DPS'ing Atheon.

Why won't my Frozen Synapse units obey my commands?

Posted: 26 May 2021 03:55 PM PDT

I'm having lots of trouble getting units to behave in Frozen Synapse. Sometimes they just ignore my commands.

Here's an example. I have a grenadier who currently has no orders. I'm asking him to move, but instead, he just stands there getting shot to death.

I've tried clearing focus and cancelling aim, but he still just stands there instead of following his waypoints. What gives?

Rooted Mobile Phone connected to a Wifi, it's usb tethered to a PC, how can i host a public minecraft java server in this PC? is it even possible?

Posted: 26 May 2021 01:56 PM PDT

In my wifi router, the phone's internal IP is I am hosting through port 6666 so i port-forwarded port 6666 to the host in my wifi router. enter image description here

In my phone, connected with adb shell, ifconfig

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 64:CC:2E:27:1B:90            inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:     rndis0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 06:8D:91:A9:95:3C            inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:   

In my PC (Ubuntu 20.04), ifconfig

usb0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500          inet  netmask  broadcast  

Minecraft's, only two entries were edited, others are kept default

query.port=6666  server-port=6666  

I tried the rooted solution provided in this answer which uses iptables

For my case i typed:

echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward    iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 6666 -j DNAT --to  iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 6666 -j ACCEPT  

Finally i ran the server on my PC, and i was only able to connect to it via

{PUBLIC_IP}:6666 was unable to connect and the error are like the following enter image description here

Thanks for helping!

How does a Pokemon's catch chance work?

Posted: 26 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT

So, I've got a bunch of Pokemon in Pokemon Go, but I've always wondered: what exactly lets you catch the Pokemon? I've always tried to use luck as my friend, but it takes a while, especially for the Legendary Pokemon, and the ones from raids. Is there a specific thing I have to do in order to catch them?

I've tried before to switch Pokeballs. Usually, this works for normal Pokemon. But for raid and Legendaries, I never really know how to get them. There are ultra balls, berries, and all those good stuff that help you usually catch them, but none of them really have worked, and it seems random. Is there a way I can know how the stuff works?

By the way, I've tried using better throws. I can pretty much get great, or even excellent throws now, so it doesn't really impact me a lot. Curve balls are something I've tried too, but it doesn't help, either.

If this isn't just a random generator, is there a way I can optimize my catches, especially for Shiny, Legendary, and just rare Pokemon in general? I'm trying to get the best I can, but it seems hard as the chances are low, and luck really hasn't been my friend. Also, how can I get a Pokestop somewhere near me, so I can constantly get stuff every day without having to walk? I know this sounds a bit lazy, but it's much easier, because I'm pretty far from the nearest Pokestop.

Thanks in advance.

Hostile Mobs not Spawning in An Area (Edited with WorldEdit)

Posted: 26 May 2021 02:28 PM PDT

I'm playing v1.16 with Forge v36.1.0. I used WorldEdit on a previously-played world to edit a selection - I regenerated the blocks in it and change the biome vertically (made a 2D selection and //expanded with vert).

Now no hostile mobs spawn in that area.

I can confirm that mobs spawn outside of what I remember the selection is - both on the ground, below ground and above ground - but not inside that area.

It didn't happen before the editing with WorldEdit but I can't verify that because I was playing on Peaceful for almost all the time.

I tried contracted WorldEdit developers but they didn't know why that happened and thought this doesn't have to do with WorldEdit.

Can anyone please help me debug this? I don't even know where to start.

I used /gamerule doMobSpawning true but it didn't help.

Extreme lag issues in creative mode

Posted: 26 May 2021 01:12 PM PDT

For some reason when I am in creative mode, I lag so badly, but when I switch to spectator mode, my game is completely okay. But the thing is what is causing the lag in creative mode? I checked the debug profiler and the tick percentage rules over everything and I pressed "1" on the keyboard and it says something unspecified is lagging the game. Also, turning every setting to increase fps doesn't help and it is exactly the same as having my regular settings. Any clues what this is?

enter image description here

Mob spawning radius?

Posted: 26 May 2021 12:58 PM PDT

I have my mob farm. It is 23 blocks above the ground.

I stayed at the bottom of it, but no mobs are spawning. After leaving and exploring a nearby cave, 2 zombies spawned.

My question is, do mobs only spawn with a x/z radius, not y?

Reference to my world:

The name of an old 'tower defence' game [closed]

Posted: 26 May 2021 12:26 PM PDT

I'm scratching my head to remember the name of a game I played well over 20+ years ago. If I recall it was on the 386. The purpose of the game was to defend a tower in the middle with a cannon on it. From the left and right side of the screen helicopters would fly in and land soldiers on a parachute. When the soldiers on the parachute landed, they would stack and eventually climb your tower and explode the cannon. on further progressing the helicopters would be accompanied by Jet fighters and drop bombs to explode your cannnon.

What is the name of this masterpiece?

In Minecraft 1.16 I can’t figure out how to check if an entity isn’t in the air

Posted: 26 May 2021 10:47 PM PDT

This is the command I used which isn't working:

execute as @e[type=husk,tag=remake] run execute at @s unless block ~ ~-1 ~ air run tag @s add looted  

This command is adding a tag called looted to the entity when they are no longer in the air that is what I want to happen

Reduce scoreboard value instantly by the value of another score

Posted: 26 May 2021 10:25 PM PDT

So I have a scoreboard objective of damage resisted, and it instantly increases based on damage i take with the resistance eff active. In short, I need to reduce the value of the player's "h" (health) score by whatever is the player's damage resisted score.

I did this odd thing where I reduced the value of the resisted score by 30 each time and reduced 30 on the health, but I need it to be instant, so if I took 300 damage, the value of my "h" score should drop instantly by 300. Is there a way for this? Able to use commands up to the latest snapshot.

Minecraft 1.16.5 give if advancement command

Posted: 26 May 2021 11:09 PM PDT

I want a to make a command block give me or another player a block as a reward for the mine_diamonds advancement but all I ended up with is execute if entity @a[advancements={story/mine_diamonds=true}] run give @s lucky:lucky_block and it, sadly, doesn't work. It has no output. I don't use commands that much and seemed working for me before i wrote it in. What should I do for it to work properly without distance limitations though? Thanks in advice.

How to give a mob smooth custom motion in MCJE 1.16

Posted: 26 May 2021 11:02 PM PDT

I want to make a boss battle, and I wanted the boss to walk smoothly in a certain direction. I have tried:

/summon zombie ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Zombo",CustomNameVisible:1,Motion:[0.0,0.0,-12.0], Attributes:[{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:2}  

but the zombie does not smoothly move, it actually teleports. I thought of having a bunch of command blocks all in a row that kill the zombie and summon a new one every block, giving it the appearance of smooth motion. However, I would like something that I can run in just a few command blocks. Does anyone have experience with things like this? Thanks!

Minecraft clickable held item

Posted: 27 May 2021 01:02 AM PDT

I am making a server and I am trying to make clickable items that will bring up other menus to select the server or item etc. How can I do this

FPS drop after some minutes but recovery after go window mode and go back fullscreen

Posted: 26 May 2021 04:08 PM PDT

I just changed my PC config. It is now:

GPU Gigabyte GTX 1080 G1 8GB GDDR5X
RAM Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 3000 PC-24000 16GB 2x8GB CL15
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 3.6GHz BOX
Motherboard Gigabyte X570 Aorus Elite
PSU EVGA Supernova G2 750W 80 Plus Gold Modular

I formatted the PC and installed Windows Pro. Installed NVidia drivers too.

So the problem is, I'm playing League of Legends at 240 FPS and suddenly it drops to 101-107. I check the temperature and it's 50°C. But if I just change to windowed mode and go back to fullscreen it goes to 240 FPS again for a few minutes.

I have a 144 Hz monitor so I cap FPS at 144 but it's the same - after a few minutes it drops to 101-107 but can be "fixed" with the windowed mode to full screen trick.

It only happens in League of Legends, in Overwatch, for example, I get 144 FPS all the time.

I have disabled all overlays from Xbox, Windows and Blitz (even closed Blitz).

Any ideas?

Is everyone in Bloodborne blind?

Posted: 26 May 2021 07:04 PM PDT

In Bloodborne, a lot of the NPCs are wearing some form of eye covering, or showing some form of astigmatism. Until recently, I didn't think much of it until a Youtuber (during a Bloodborne playthrough) stated that everyone was blind.

This does make sense, especially with the concept of "insight" (or sight using the mind's eye), as well as the items like the "eye of a Blood-drunk Hunter", etc.

So, in Bloodborne, is everyone blind? And if so, what is the lore behind it?

Minecraft question about servers [duplicate]

Posted: 26 May 2021 12:06 PM PDT

The authentication servers are down for maintenance so Minecraft failed to log in even though there are people on it. Please, I bought Minecraft but it doesn't work. Is there something wrong with my computer?

Minecraft crashes when I tab out and back in

Posted: 26 May 2021 12:27 PM PDT

So I have recently got this issue where my Minecraft crashes with exit code 0 whenever I tab out and then tab back into it. Apparently, the issue is due to it being in fullscreen mode, however, I don't really want to have to press F11 every time I want to tab out.

I am running Minecraft version 1.16.5 on Optifine (OptiFine HD U G7 pre1) but I also got this error when running Optifine 1.16.4 and vanilla versions 1.16.4 and 1.16.5. The game crashes with exit code 0, this is the top of the crash log:

#  # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:  #  #  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00007ffcfe00b2c1, pid=5492, tid=25908  #  # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_51-b16) (build 1.8.0_51-b16)  # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.51-b03 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)  # Problematic frame:  # C  [nvapi64.dll+0x27b2c1]  #  # Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows  #  # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:  #  # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.  # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.  #  

I also play on version 1.8.9 with Forge and several mods, however this version works fine.

How do I add enchants along with name in command block

Posted: 27 May 2021 03:30 AM PDT

/give @p minecraft:bow{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Test Name\"}"}}   

Is what I am trying to add enchantments to but cannot seem to figure out how. {Sharp 5 Knockback 100}

I tried the following:

/give @p minecraft:lead{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:1‌ 000},{display:{Name:‌ "{\"text\":\"Test Name\"}"}}  /give @p minecraft:bow{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Test Name\"}"}},{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:1000‌ }  /give @p minecraft:lead{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Test Name\"}"}{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:1000}}  

Java Edition: Vanilla, 1.16.4

How would I copy data from a chest to my inventory?

Posted: 26 May 2021 02:00 PM PDT

So, I could only find explanations on how to copy a player's inventory into a chest, but I'm wondering how I would copy the chest's contents to the player's inventory.

Not necessary to read, just some more explanation on what I'm making: I made scoreboards, different scoreboard ranks means access to different doors, etc... I want to make loadouts, so that people with different scoreboard "ranks" (The ranks correspond to different numbers) can basically get a loadout, while others without the "permission" (Score) can't.

I've tried doing it with plugins, but then I forgot that most plugins don't really allow you to make a command block system that works with it, so that idea failed. I tried a couple of more things, like just dropping it with a dispenser, but then the dispenser would need to be refilled, etc...

So, is there any way I could copy the chest's contents to a player's inventory, so that they get the loadout, while still keeping the original chest's contents

Minecraft: Java Edition stuck on download

Posted: 26 May 2021 03:06 PM PDT

So, I currently have Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition installed on my computer, and I wanted to play the Java Edition as well.

But once I was finally able to actually get the java launcher to work, the download gets stuck at 158.39/309.57 and then an error occurs. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?enter image description here

Failed to download file.  Name: is_is.json  URL:  Error details: Operation too slow. Less than 30 bytes/sec transferred the last 60 seconds  Filename on disk: 3fa5d6ee471a4b9a49cd347193dd780cd93d8331  Path: C:\Users\joesp\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\3f\3fa5d6ee471a4b9a49cd347193dd780cd93d8331  Exists: File  

Which amiibo figures can I use to get Wolf Link in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

Posted: 26 May 2021 05:03 PM PDT

I wanted to know which specific amiibo figures are used to get Wolf Link in ACNL. I read that you can use a Link, Wolf link, or Zelda amiibo figure. I see that there's different Link amiibo figures (SSB, Archer, Twilight Princess, etc.), but which ones should work? Do all of them work?

Does Gameranger on Linux work for any multiplayer game?

Posted: 26 May 2021 04:49 PM PDT

I tried playing Battle for Middle Earth online with Gameranger through Wine, and when I host or join a game BFME will start up, but when I go to the Network lobby my game just freezes. I'm trying to figure out if Gameranger works for any Linux game, or if this is just one game in particular that has this problem.

Update: I've since tried this with

wine-5.18 (Staging)
wine 6.9

No luck. Maybe in the future?

How do I connect a hopper and dropper so my dropper will drop something when I put an item in the hopper?

Posted: 27 May 2021 03:09 AM PDT

So I'm trying to connect my dropper and hopper so that my hopper will accept something then at the same time, my dropper will drop something when I place that item in the hopper.

Minecraft: sweepAttack particles upon attack with a diamond sword and detect direction

Posted: 27 May 2021 02:01 AM PDT

I need some help with a cool command I'm trying to make using either 1 or multiple command blocks in 1.10. I'm trying to activate the sweepAttack particle based on the direction the player is facing upon an attack to an entity. Not only that, I'd like to make the attack look and act like a barrage of attacks hence the usage of the sweepAttack particle. So to sum up what I'm trying to make is: whenever a player attacks an entity there will be 5 individual attacks with 1 swing of a sword or any other thing in your hand along with the sweepAttack particle based off of the direction the player is facing to add a bit of realism to it. Can you help me make this possible in-game?

Skyrim maximum carry capacity

Posted: 26 May 2021 12:26 PM PDT

In Skyrim, What is the absolute maximum carry capacity for the player? Just by leveling up and level perks and without potions, spells, enchantments. Is there a known limit?

How can I save the world from the spread of Hallow and Corruption/Crimson?

Posted: 27 May 2021 12:45 AM PDT

After the Wall of Flesh, the Hallow appears and Corruption/Crimson spreads even faster.

  • Corruption/Crimson spreads through everything
    • Except Hallow
  • Hallow spreads through everything
    • Except mud (jungle)
    • Except synthetic blocks like gray-brick
  • The results of Hallow and Corruption meeting are unpredictable

How can I stop them both permanently and effectively from taking over the world, considering both the top layer and underground?

(Eg, simply placing gray brick on top of the surface won't stop the underground spread?)

And, is it worth the effort?

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