Sunday, June 13, 2021

Recent Questions - Arqade

Recent Questions - Arqade

When game is focused somehow my music and browser audio is lowered, any ideas?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 10:26 AM PDT

Somehow whenever I'm playing any game on Steam (any game, including WoWs, Satisfactory, and Cities Skylines) if i have the game focused (i'm in game), somehow my machine is lowering my audio for my browser and also lowering iTunes. I've also noticed that when in game the itunes music and browser has less EQ. i.e. Little to no bass.

I have currently disabled the communications under Control Panel -> Sound -> Communications -> Disabled

I'm also running VoiceMeeter, however this issue was happening prior to the installation of that software, so I'm assuming that this is either a Windows issue or a Steam issue. I've looked and found numerous articles and other answers on forums, however they are all about 6 years old, and no solution is applicable here as the information contained within is outdated.

Is anyone else having these issues, or knows whats going on?

Will I loose anything by changing my Nintendo Account’s region?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:38 AM PDT

I recently moved from Australia to the US and have perched a US WiiU. To access my digital-Australian games I'd need to change the region on my account from Australia to USA but, I'm worried that I might loose stuff. Especially considering I would have to cancel my Nintendo Online subscription to do so. Will I actually loose anything? Games, Save data ect.?

LoL - slow loading/recovery of client after game ends

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:28 AM PDT

Since a certain patch - I cannot determine which one, like 6 months ago - I began experiencing an issue where my client is stuck on a "Game in progress..." screen for a minute after I finish a game. I tried:

  • reinstalling LoL
  • reinstalling LoL to a brand new SSD
  • moving my TEMP/TMP directories to said SSD
  • killing the LeagueOfLegends.exe process after game
    • this seemed to have an effect as opposed to the other tries: The client returns to the post-game screen immediately, but is extremely slow - graphs load slowly, returning to the party screen (Play again) works, but my friends do not see me as connected, after the minute passes (during which no actions are viable) a lot of screens blink and then the party screen opens again and everything works
  • letting the client close during a game
    • this just causes it to open immediately and then proceed with "Game in progress..." as before.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

How do I change the thing under the crosshair back to normal?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:36 AM PDT

Pls, help me. So you know the thingy under the crosshair in Minecraft? My brothers' friend played on my pc and he changed the settings so the bar under the crosshair isn't there anymore but instead it isn't a bar and it is a sword that charges but it is NEXT to my HOTBAR. TYSM if you help me. (soz if this is too long)

Is it possible to generate a river biome with water in a floating islands world with sealevel = 0?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:09 AM PDT

I want to generate a custom floating island world with a river biome (with water in it), but when I change the sea level to 0, the river is empty.

Is there any way to fix this?
Can I generate custom river biomes with custom biomes already filled with water?

Image of floating islands with sealevel = 0 and sealevel = 67

Can I change the biome of the world?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:38 AM PDT

I wanted to see if we can change the biome on my world. For example, if it was a super flat plains, can I make it a snowy biome after building in the world?

What are the strongest characters in Paladins?

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 11:14 PM PDT

I wanted to know some of the strongest characters for the Paladins. I have also google it and found a tier list paladins-tier-list but it's totally useless. Can anybody guide me to the strongest characters. I can select for the game.

Is there any way to make it so you hear a music disc anywhere?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:10 AM PDT

Is there any way I can make it so I can hear a music disc anywhere, without it fading away if I'm far away?

Minecraft Fabric 1.17 cant create entity

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 07:22 PM PDT


I am trying to write a minecraft mod after my favorite pet, gerbils (cute small desert rodents), so i started to learn how to make a mod using fabric (i used the official fabric website and Suited Llama's tutorials). I created an item without any major problems, but as soon as i tried to implement an entity, i ran upon a big problem.


The tutorial is outdated, the classes definitions arent the same and im a little bit lost since i dont know what i can do and what i cant.


Is there any valid tutorial for mc 1.17+ out here yet? And if, where can i find them?

No Man's Sky: Is this supposed to be blood?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:54 AM PDT

Was watching a gameplay video and saw this:enter image description here

Is the red supposed to be blood, or is it your helmets HUD? Is it disabled if you remove player blood effects, or is their an option to disable it?

How do I change the amount of time a player can spend underwater before taking drowning damage?

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:05 PM PDT

I want to be able to give the player less air bubbles, or just make them drown a lot faster. How can I do this?

Is it possible to remove viewscreen weather effects?

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:51 PM PDT

I'm playing No Man's Sky on PC (via Steam), and I've noticed that when I start my game on a hazardous planet, the "weather effects" on the viewscreen seem to persist even when I leave the planet. Is there a way to disable the weather effects entirely? I don't find it adds very much to the ambience on hazardous planets, beyond making it even more difficult to see than usual. (By weather effects I mean the "frost" that builds up on the edges of glacial planets, or the yellow toxic film that builds up on toxic planets. etc.)

As an example, I started today's session in a base that I have on a glacial moon. Afterwards I left and went to the anomaly to talk to Polo. As you can see from the screenshot below, the "frosting" on the edges of my viewscreen are still present even though I'm in the perfectly climate-controlled anomaly. :(

Screenshot onboard the Anomaly

Can I play against any other CPUs past PRO status?

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 03:21 PM PDT

I've been playing Wii Tennis, and while its a fun experience, it's rather boring seeing the same CPU over and over.

This occurs when I'm at the【PR✪】level, or 1000 skill points. Anyways, after that I just see the same CPU again. It's Elisa and this other girl I can't really remember.

Are there any other CPU besides them that I can play against? I'd rather do this without using a new Mii.

How can I make it so when I equip a helmet it equips a entire suit of armor

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 06:27 PM PDT

I want it so when you equip a helmet, a full set of armour is immediately equipped.

How can I do this in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition?

can you remove items off the ground without entering the minecraft server

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:06 AM PDT

my friend has spawned in 9000 water buckets right next to me and the game crashed, so i was wondering if it was possible to remove items from the ground not in the server

How can I summon an entity where I punch? [closed]

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 10:25 AM PDT

I'd like to spawn an evocation fang wherever I punch but I can't figure out the commands necessary in minecraft bedrock.

Why do mobs not despawn when they are more than 128 blocks above me?

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 08:08 PM PDT

I' playing on a modded Minecraft server with my friends, and there are many extreme hills biomes. On top of one of these mountains (around Y-180), there were a lot of monsters spawning around me. But, when I enter a cave below the mountain and I'm below Y-10, nothing spawns in the caves, due to all those monsters that are still loaded on the mountain. Is there any way to fix this?

Dying Light the following: How to beat the Mother in final battle?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:02 AM PDT

I am at the final part of dying light - the following. I have rejected Mother's request for sacrifice and fighting her. But she is too fast and furious in the last phase - in seconds, I am dead. Especially, when she screams, my health goes to zero fast. Is there a specific strategy to beat her in last phase of battle?

Minecraft Java server won't let me increase RAM usage, and also crashes easily,,

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 04:00 PM PDT

So, I'm using Mojang's guide as well as a YouTube video to help me set up this server; I've been told that in the start.txt file, you can set up how much memory is used during/after startup by pasting Java -Xms512M -Xmx3.5G -jar server.jar (I changed the original minecraft_server.jar to just server.jar as that's what mine's labeled). It ran the 1.16.4 version of Minecraft, but I'm not sure why it keeps issuing a Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running [x]ms or [y] ticks behind error/warning.

I just want to be able to play on my own on this sever, nevermind having others try and join (one step at a time). If anyone could help me out, or point me to a post that clearly points out that I'm having an issue someone has already had before, that would be great/

If there's also a comprehensive guide on how to setup Vanilla servers (I know a bit about computers, so it's okay if it's not for beginners) I'd greatly appreciate it.

Falling blocks don't work for me

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:07 AM PDT

I'm trying to make a fire ability for something I'm making that will summon falling fire blocks, and I'm having issues with the fire disapearing.

I'm using /summon minecraft:falling_block ~ ~ ~ {BlockState:{Name:"minecraft:fire"},Time:1} and it doesn't seem to work. It still disapears regarless of the Time:1 tag.

I have used this method of spawning fire many times in the past, and it confuses me why it doesn't work anymore. I've checked for errors a fair amount of times and even loaded up old worlds (in 1.13) and copied the command (and while in 1.13 on the old worlds it worked but still doesn't work on new worlds).

I can't get rid of an infinite poison effect?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:38 AM PDT

So I was playing on one of my mod packs (1.12.2 if this helps), and had been bitten by a vampire and had turned, everything was normal until then. As in, when I turned I got an infinite poison effect, and I cannot get rid of it, at all. Milk buckets don't work neither does the /effect @p clear command. Even the /kill command does nothing, it just comes back. I have no clue how to get rid of it since this has never happened before and there is nothing about it anywhere I can find. I mean you can see how an infinite poison effect can be annoying when you are trying to play in survival.

Here's the list of mods if you need it

  • Astikor Carts
  • Baby Animals
  • Backpack
  • Baubles Mod
  • Bewitchment Mod
  • Biomes O Plenty
  • Code Chicken Lib
  • CoFH Core
  • Craftable Saddles
  • Fossils Archeology
  • Just Enough Items
  • LLibrary
  • OptiFine
  • Patchouli Mod
  • Redstone Flux API
  • Tree Chopper
  • U Team Core
  • Vampirism

I have an issue with PES 2020 for Android

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:05 AM PDT

I just downloaded the game and finished the tutorials and played my first match (I think this first match is the last part of the tutorial).

Then, a white message appeared taking most of screen space. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be an ad, or if I received a reward, or it's an information message. But it's totally white blank.

I clicked on the (X) button to hide it. It goes then appears again.

How can I get rid of it?

Roblox Suddenly Lagging

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 08:12 PM PDT

So I know there are similar questions on Google, but they had something to do with their Nvidia driver, which I don't have or any way to get it (I'm just a kid, I don't have enough knowledge to go through my PC stats and get an Nvidia driver or whatnot).

I did try the reducing lag methods (such as going into Roblox studio and turning off frame manager and changing the render distance to a lower resolution), but I still get stuttering frames, just barely-noticeable but gameplay-changing amounts of lag and just overall server lagging (pressing a key and the function of the key happening about a second later, people teleporting and such).

This isn't my PC problem - my 2 PCs had no problem running Roblox about 2 days ago, then one day I turned on my wireless PC and it just seems to have lag. I thought this may be just it being wireless and tried my wired one, but that had the exact same problem. I also tried disabling my antivirus on my big PC, which did seem to get rid of a tiny bit of lag but still lagging the same way nonetheless. Others seem to not have this problem, re-installing or restarting the PC doesn't work, and Roblox didn't update until today (which still lags). This is extremely frustrating, any help will be appreciated.

How do I farm creepers for XP without them exploding?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:30 AM PDT

I have created a mob farm which I want to be able to turn into an XP farm at the switch of a button. Basically a multitude of mobs spawn at the top, fall down, and die. I want to add a dispenser that dispenses water so I can catch the mobs and kill them for the XP instead of their drops. However, creepers start to self-destruct as soon as I start hitting them through my half-slabs. I've tried using different combinations of slabs, stairs, fences, etc, but the creepers keep blowing up my mobs. Is there any way to stop this? I can draw a diagram of the XP farm if it would help.

What's the most efficient way to grind for coins?

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 11:51 PM PDT

Most of the customisation items for characters are locked away in the Krypt mode, which requires you to spend coins to open boxes that contain random items. The boxes with the better items are much more expensive than the others and drain resources quickly.

What's the quickest/most efficient way to grind for the coins required to open a bunch of chests for the best chance at getting the items you want?

Note: The in-game store lets you purchase specific items, but it's only about 5 at a time and they're on a rotation that takes many real-world hours to rotate. It's not a viable solution to the problem of getting the items you actually want.

What is the port range for Minecraft LAN worlds?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:02 AM PDT

When I want to invite my friends over the internet into my LAN world in Minecraft, I need to set my router to forward the port specified by Minecraft. As Mincraft picks a different port each time I open my world over LAN, I have to edit my router settings every time I want to start a multiplayer LAN session over the internet. Instead, I would like to set the router to the range of port numbers that Minecraft picks from.

What is the range of ports that Minecraft uses for LAN worlds?

So far, after four sessions, I have had ports between 49525 and 50852. I play the Java edition, if that makes any difference.


The port range must be coded into the Minecraft code. What file(s) would I look at to find it?

What is this "magic circle" in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:08 AM PDT

While I was farming for Alamaric Sniper and Ghost Dancer souls, I had something happen where it looked like a Sniper was going to give me a soul, but I didn't actually get one. Instead, this red magic circle-looking thing was left behind in the air for a few seconds, along with a pair of wings. Eventually, the wings disappeared, and the circle expanded and faded away.

Mysterious red magic circle with wings

Mysterious red magic circle without wings

Mysterious red magic circle fading away

I only had 7 Sniper souls at the time, so it wasn't that I was maxed out. I've tried researching it myself, but searches about "magic circle" tend to lead to Magic Seals, and searches about souls not dropping tend to lead to complaints about drop rates, so I haven't had any luck. If it matters, I'm playing on DeSmuME 0.9.7.

Is this an actual part of the game, or just a glitch of some sort?

In response to the Arc Demon suggestion: I've found a Dawn of Sorrow Arc Demon sprite sheet on this site. While they also use red magic circles, the designs aren't very similar, so I'm afraid that can't be it. Among other things, this circle has a star in the center, while the Arc Demon one does not.

Comparison of magic circles

What cheat code do you use for spruce wood in Minecraft?

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 06:26 PM PDT

What is the cheat code for spruce wood in Minecraft on computer?
I know this part: /give (player)
but I don't know the rest.

Please help.

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