Friday, July 16, 2021

Recent Questions - Arqade

Recent Questions - Arqade

Defeating Kuvas?

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:30 AM PDT

I use a Excalibur Umbra, umbra's Nikana, dread, and Lato. I tried soloing a level 70 extermination with a requiem fissure and I used up all my lives and took me 6 tries to complete. I have not upgraded any of the Umbral mods yet because I have insufficient Endo, I barely last 5 minutes in a Kuva Lich survival, and they basically overpower me and I find it hard to kill even one.

As well as this, 10 minutes ago my friend, who uses Wukong Prime, went with me to complete a hijack mission on Sedna. We were nearly done, then a Kuva Lich showed up, destroyed our Fomorian core, and also killed both of us. Then, we went on another mission, a survival mission with those level 80 Kuva soldiers and the Kuva Lich. We did that to try get rid of him, but we barely managed past his first health bar before we both died. I can't remember the lich's name but it has been like this for every Lich. There has been no time where I have won, even with a full squad, against a Kuva Lich. Can you give tips such as strategies, weapons, methods to kill the troops and the Lich faster, recommended warframes and mods? Thanks.

How do I fix Minecraft 1.17.1 Zoomed in display Problem?

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:36 AM PDT

So recently, I have been starting to play 1.17, however each time I open it, It comes up with this kind of zoomed in partly rendering in display.I understand when you see this picture me desktop is Windows 7 and I know Windows 10 is free however, it just does not work on my computer. I have went into setting and video setting and tried to change anything that can possible relate to the problem but nothing is working. Does anyone have any suggestions on how i fix this? My friends and I are doing a survival server and i really want to join! Menu screen. Options display.

Can I remove all blood on Monster Hunter Tri?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:18 PM PDT

I've heard that there is options to remove blood in this game, but I want to make sure this removes all the blood, player and monster, and not just some of it. Is there a way to have a blood free experience?

Just to make sure there's no confusion, I'm referring to the wii exclusive monster hunter game.


How precise is the Deflect Mechanic in Sekiro?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:51 PM PDT

The "Deflect" mechanic in Sekiro can be pretty precise - if you spam the button, it doesn't always work, but if you learn the timings as intended it can be 100% effective.

Just how precise is it, in terms of frames or seconds?

What is Scav karma, and how does it work?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:37 PM PDT

With the most recent wipe, Battlestate Games has introduced a new Scav "Karma" system.

When players choose their "Scav" characters when selecting a raid to join, I know that they'll be able to gain and lose karma, and I know that this has positive and negative effects, but I'm not sure what they are or how to gain or lose karma.

So... That said... What influences Scav karma, and what does Scav karma mean for me? What are the results of having a higher or lower Scav karma level?

Minecraft melee mobs dont attack

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:46 PM PDT

I have been playing a lot of Minecraft Demo recently, and one thing I have noticed is that melee mobs like Zombies, Vindicators or Endermen refuse to attack me, even if I attack them first. I did modify the world data to give myself hardcore mode and extend the trial time, but that's all I did. Anyone know a fix?

Is it possible to get the FF14 free version on steam?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 01:14 PM PDT

I was looking into getting the free version of FF14, just to try it out, but it doesn't seem to be available on Steam.

I'd love it on steam, since my whole PC catalog is already in there, and steam would keep it updated and all that, so... is there a way to get the free version via Steam, or am I stuck to download it from SquareEnix official website?

Does anybody know a terraria mobile journey mode enchanted sword seed

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 10:05 AM PDT

I need a enchanted sword in terraria on journey mode mobile if you can include horizontal and vertical position (to know horizontal and vertical position use depth meter and compass.)?

Do guns in Fallout New Vegas use hitscan or fire bullet projectiles?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:08 AM PDT

In New Vegas (and Fallout 3, which runs on the same engine) when using VATS you can see your character fire a projectile which takes time to travel to your opponent, and the health bar only drops when the bullet impacts.

Outside of VATS it's less clear whether bullets work as hitscan or on a ballistics model. When using guns it seems like the weapons are hitscan - enemies take damage the same moment the gun is fired. But other weapons very clearly fire a physical projectile, like a missile, rocket, or ball of plasma which the player can watch as it travels. Conversely, the laser class of weapons fire a hitscan beam which travels instantly to it's target. Even in the slow-motion of VATS a laser beam appears does not seem to travel, it instantly burns an opponent.

I can't tell if a physical bullet only appears in VATS, or exists outside of the assisted targeting system. Outside of VATS, do guns in New Vegas use hitscan or do they fire a bullet projectile?

How do I go to The Fort from Cottonwood Cove if I'm vilified by the Legion?

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 02:03 AM PDT

I was playing Fallout: New Vegas and I'm trying to go to The Fort so I can kill Benny and hopefully get Maria. But after killing both Vulpes Inculta at Nipton and a couple of their groups of legionaries, they now attack me on sight.

How can I go to Cottonwood Cove / The Fort without getting shot on sight by the Legion?

How do I do /execute and filter it by name?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 10:02 AM PDT

I want to have a command block that has /execute if entity that will only execute on entities with a custom name, but I can't figure out how to do it.

Minecraft not loading

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:06 AM PDT

Just now, I decided to play Minecraft, so, I got my Nintendo Switch, turned it on, and went into the game. Before that, I was playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, so I had to close that and then go into the game. When I went into the game, it showed me the regular screen (By "Regular Screen" I mean the screen that appears when you first load up the game with the Play button, settings button, and marketplace buttons.) and then suddenly showed me another screen that told me that Minecraft had an update. This was weird because normally for Nintendo Switch, it tells you that yeou have a software update before you open the game. I then proceeded to download the update, and everything seemed to be fine. Then, I tried opening the game again, and nothing. It showed me the little Nintendo Switch animation on the bottom right and top left of the screen, but after that, it just showed me a blank screen.

My question is: What is wrong? How can I fix it? And Will I lose any of my Minecraft Worlds or worse, lose the game?

Some Notes:

I am on the Nintendo Switch update 12.0.3 (Which I have seen that it causes update issues, maybe this is the problem?)

I have update the Switch before updating Minecraft to 1.17 (No problem)

I am now on the version after 1.17.1 of Minecraft (I can tell what version it is when I go into the options menu for Minecraft. I'm not on the actually game though, I am still on the Nintendo Switch Home Screen.

Why are my seeds disappearing?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:07 AM PDT

I was playing Minecraft when I planted and bonemealed some seeds, then broke them, only to see that my seed drop disappeared and I was left with only a piece of wheat. I searched my whole entire inventory, but there were no seeds, and I had no hoppers or hopper minecarts nearby that could have possible collected the seeds. I am using the regular texture pack, with Vanilla Minecraft 1.17 on Bedrock Edition(PE) in a singleplayer world.

Why isn't my item popping up in the creative inventory?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 11:02 AM PDT

I'm trying to create an item. In RP/textures/items, I have its texture. I defined the texture in RP/textures/item_texture.json. In BP/items I defined its behaviors. I kept all these in the development_resource_packs and development_behaviour_packs folder respectively. When I load the game, it doesn't show the items in the creative inventory. It is something like an enchanted egg. I also made other enchanted eggs like turtle and dragon, but all of these never showed up. But all the recipes in BP/recipes are working fine (Except for the recipes for the enchanted eggs)

Here's the texture:egg


{      "resource_pack_name": "Minecraft++",      "texture_name": "atlas.items",      "texture_data": {          "egg": {              "textures": [                  "textures/items/egg"              ]          },          "diamond": {              "textures": [                  "textures/items/diamond"              ]          },          "turtle_egg": {              "textures": [                  "textures/items/turtle_egg"              ]          },          "dragon_egg": {              "textures": [                  "textures/items/dragon_egg"              ]          }      }  }  


{      "format_version": "1.16.100",      "minecraft:item": {          "description": {              "identifier": "mpp:soul_egg",              "category": "nature",              "is_experimental": false          },          "components": {              "minecraft:max_stack_size": 64,              "minecraft:stacked_by_data": true,              "minecraft:foil": true,              "minecraft:icon": {                  "texture": "egg"              },              "minecraft:display_name": {                  "value": ""              },              "minecraft:hover_text_color": "aqua"          },      }  }  

Edit: I changed the value under minecraft:display_name, because I added it to en_US.lang file

How to make a textbox appear in Minecraft Bedrock

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 12:05 PM PDT

Does anyone know how to add a textbox like this one here (shown in image) into Minecraft Bedrock? Either with Vanilla or Addons. I would not need the clickable menus but only the text.


Example of what I mean by Textbox

minecraft using skins on a family account

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

I downloaded minecraft on my account on my xbox and bought a skin for my daughter. I have since created her own login in our family account and wonder if there is a way to use the skins that i bought under my login for her login.

Minecraft 1.14 Raids

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:01 AM PDT

In Minecraft, do raids only happen if you enter a village with an omen, or just randomly when you are in a village? Surprisingly I couldn't find the answer to this anywhere.

Where does Breath of the Wild take place in the Zelda Timeline

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 12:51 PM PDT

Do we know, with clues in the game, where Breath of the Wild happens in the Zelda Timeline?

Are there at least clues to find out if we are in the Fallen Hero, Zelda or Link timeline?

Not receiving any new missions in grand theft auto 5

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 06:22 AM PDT

I seem to be stuck in a part of the game, no missions are showing on the radar.
I have just finished a mission with a plane and a submarine,

Then in the next heist as Trevor I took masks,a garbage truck,and uniforms. And now there are no missions to do.

What do I do?

Can I have extra minecraft inventory?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 04:34 PM PDT

Can I have extra Minecraft inventory in vanilla Minecraft? I have seen mods be able to do this but never in vanilla Minecraft. Is there some way for me to carry more. Maybe a command that allows me to carry more than a stack of 64 or have more slots to carry more. I cannot figure this out, if there even is away.

How do you access Mission 46?

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:00 AM PDT

In Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, I know the ending mission is 46. How do you unlock the mission so you can play it and watch the ending?

Edit 1:

I got that ending but it still will not unlock for me. I got the cassette tape at the end and all.

Edit 2:

Here are the screenshots (MAJOR SPOILERS): and (Spoiler tags enabled for each)

What's the most efficient way to get (rid of) experience?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:49 PM PDT

So, there I was, farming xp from my skeleton farm, getting myself set up with a set of enchanted tools, weapons, and armor, preparing for an excursion into the Nether. After ending up with a second helmet with Aqua Affinity and a bow with Flames (so useful in the Nether), faced with the prospect of punching another couple of hundred skeletons, I became weary. I still had two bows left to enchant! But I couldn't face it. I figured, what's the harm? I'll just give myself a little boost out of this tedious rut.

So I fired up console commands, not entirely sure what they did. I figured why not mess around with it? There's even a help page, this can't be so difficult. So I found the xp command:

xp <amount> [playername]  xp <amount>L [playername]  

Hmm. Let's try this:

xp 10 mikeTheLiar  

Oh. Well that only bumped me up about half a level. How about this?

xp 5000 mikeTheLiar  

Sweet! 120 some odd experience levels! Let's get enchanting! Now fully equipped, I had a good deal of illicit xp that just didn't feel right keeping. How can I get rid of it?

xp -5000 mikeTheLiar  

Hmm. "Can't give negative experience." Wait, wasn't there another command? I wonder what that does?

xp 5000L mikeTheLiar  


I didn't want this. No, not like this, I didn't want to win like this! Anyway, so now I have several thousands levels of unwanted, ill-gotten, dirty experience, and on top of that, it's completely broken the game for me. I just didn't want to have to spend another 20 minutes farming, not render my farm obsolete (after all, I spent a good deal of time and effort building the thing).

How can I get rid of the evidence, without turning all of my materials into tools/weapons/armor, enchanting them all, and then throwing the result into a lava pit? Is there a command to get rid of it? Is there a tool like MCEdit that will get the job done? The only thing I can think of is killing myself, but I'm deep in the bowels of Hell right now, and I'd rather not have to lose all of my sweet, newly enchanted equipment. I could just wait until I get home, but then I'm losing all of the xp that I'm honestly earning killing Blazes and Ghasts right now.

Can I get my Steam categories back?

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 01:56 AM PDT

During the Holiday sales, I logged in to Steam on a different computer (one powerful enough to actually run my games :). When I logged back in on my notebook, all of my categories except one were deleted, and all of the games except one were removed from my favourites and from the one remaining category. I re-added some of them.

Later, after logging in again, I lost all my groups and favourites again. Is this behaviour common? Can I get them back, or at least back them up in the future?

edit: yesterday's patch (7. 10. 2015) seems to address this bug (release notes here):

Fixed bug causing category info to be missing from the Library in Offline Mode, and sometimes cleared permanently when going back online

Took at least 3 years, it seems.

(I have read this, but I'm not sure it's the exact same problem. Both my computers ran Windows and I lost my categorization entirely.)

How can I get La Longue Carabine from Corporal Sterling in Fallout NV?

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 11:27 AM PDT

In Fallout New Vegas, I would like to get La Longue Carabine from Corporal Sterling, but am unsure how. I have very low sneak, and it doesn't even appear in his inventory to be stolen, is there any easy way to get this weapon that does not involve angering the NCR?

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault patch 1.11 not working

Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:10 PM PDT

I have installed Medal of Honor Allied Assault and its working fine. Then I installed patch 1.11, now whenever I start a mission everything freezes. The menu and everything else works fine, the loading completes but after that everything freezes. Whenever I press Esc within a mission, the menu shows up and the game unfreezes, I can see the mission's world and move the aim around, but when I close the menu, everything freezes again.

Anyone know what might be wrong?

I have Acer Aspire 5740. Core i3, 4 GB RAM, Windows 7 SP1, Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD, with latest driver.

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