Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Recent Questions - Arqade

Recent Questions - Arqade

Do I have to play Persona games in order?

Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:48 AM PDT

Should I go through 1 to 5 or just have my fun with 4 and 5 only? Would I miss anything?

Is there any work published prior to 2019 about transparency in games that is similar to this text?

Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:22 AM PDT

I am doing a historical examination of some ideas in game design and I was wondering if ideas such as those presented below were published at an earlier point in time than 2019.

I will be glad to you if you give me any source that was published earlier than 2019 that similar ideas to the following:

Perhaps players who like spoilers or desire to better understand and train in playing a game competitively, could benet from transparency. Imagine playing against AI and loosing the match. If you could watch a replay of the match, where the enemy agent's decision making mechanism is understandable, you will be able to perform better at the next match. This adds an opportunity for players to understand a game's mechanics and improve their performance, potentially, making the game a more fun experience. Similarly, agents who team-up with the player may use prompts to alert the player of their actions and environmental perception, improving their cooperation and eventually the win rate of the player. In embodied agents, transparency may have a negative eect for a companion or healthcare robot designed to assist children. In such cases, the system is designed to actively exploit the users' feelings to increase its utility and performance on its set task. In some situations robot transparency may therefore be at odds with utility, and more generally it may be orthogonal rather than benecial to the successful use of the robot. An example of this type of design decision which aects the system is the physical transparency of the system. The physical appearance of an agent may increase its usability , but also it may conict with transparency by hiding its mechanical nature. Back in our companionship robot example, a humanoid or animal-like robot may be preferred over an agent where its mechanisms and internals are exposed, revealing its manufactured nature. Developers should be aware of this tradeo as they design and develop robots, but also aim to achieve the minimum passive-transparency practices established in the previous section.

Save state systems

Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:09 AM PDT

With an Amiga A500, Action Replay cartridge (v1.5 or later) and memory expansion, it was possible to save a copy of the state of memory, much like a save state in an emulator (or snapshot in a virtual machine?). Were there any other systems that allowed save states in a physical hardware / non-emulator environment?

How do I disconnect from a cs:go match when the leaderboard is shown

Posted: 14 Jul 2021 04:15 AM PDT

When ever the match is done, I for some reason can't find an option to leave the game. (Im new to cs:go btw). So how do I leave?

Can I rebattle gym leaders again and again in battle chateau in pokemon X even after I had defeated them?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 10:16 PM PDT

Please answer It would be pretty helpful. I would be able to xp farm and grind mopney easily.

Why isn’t the Downtown cab co generating revenue?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 10:15 PM PDT

Why isn't the downtown cab company generating revenue? I got in an altercation with another person and the passanger got shot and died. Ever since, i have received messages that the cab company isn't making any money. How can i fix thi?

Why does Java edition need a server to play Multiplayer?

Posted: 14 Jul 2021 02:31 AM PDT

As the title says, Why does Minecraft: Java Edition need a server to play multiplayer Minecraft? while in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition you can easily join someone's world without a server. Can you join someone's world in Minecraft: Java Edition without opting for a server? Why Does Mojang not create server-free multiplayer?

Why I can't break blocks in my single player minecraft education edition world

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 06:36 PM PDT

I can't break blocks in minecraft:education edition. I also can't interact with chest,furnace and can't attack any mobs. My school doesn't use minecraft education edition but I downloaded it from my school website for learning computer science. Also when I use my school account in a different device, I can break blocks... If you know how to solve my problem, pls help me..

Can weak attacks disable shields?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 08:06 PM PDT

Does the attack have to be a critical, strong, or knockback attacks to disable a shield?

Update on how Rocket League's Ranking System Works? [duplicate]

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 02:47 PM PDT

I got linked to a duplicate, but the question was 4 years old and changes have taken place since then. I am supposed to ask a new one if it doesn't answer my question, so here it is.

I was under the impression that a win always causes you to rank up, and a loss to rank down, but that is not the case.

How many wins or losses, or streaks of wins and losses does it take to rank up or down? Is it different depending on your current rank/division? How does it work?

All the other questions I've found are outdated.

How do win/losses count toward ranking up or down? [duplicate]

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:34 AM PDT

I was under the opinion that one win will always cause you to rank up (provide you have enough wins to be ranked in the first place) and that one loss will always cause you to rank down. But I was just in a 3v2 rumble game (I was on the 2) and against all odds my outnumbered team won. I did not rank up or down, my rank stayed the same.

Am I wrong on how ranking works? I realize this has been asked before, but a lot of the questions are outdated, and it's hard to know what changes have been made since Epic Games acquire the game.

Steam Family Sharing: How to choose which library to borrow from? [duplicate]

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:32 AM PDT

Let's say I have friends A and B. They both have game MH. I logged in A's account and played game MH on my laptop first. Then days after I logged in B's account and played game MH on my laptop second. B told me he can share that game with me. But when I tried to borrow that game, I found that I could only borrow it from A since steam did not seem to allow me to choose which library to borrow from. Since I logged into A's account first, I could only borrow from A by default.

Is there a way to choose which library to borrow from? Or can I delete my logging-in history using A's account so that I can borrow from B's library?

Can I play online without PlayStation Plus?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:45 AM PDT

Can I play Minecraft online without PlayStation Plus?

If yes, is there a free option to do so? (It might as well be a server)

Is there a way to hold back water sources without using a bunch of ugly signs or fence gates?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 03:15 PM PDT

enter image description here

using signs and fence gates is ugly, is there any other way to do it?

Why didn't I get the stats e-mail from Riot Games?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 08:20 AM PDT

So Riot Games mailed the stats of every Valorant player today. But I got no mail.

What are the possible reasons for this? And is there any way to request my stats?

Or can I just check them in the game?

Is it possible to sneak out of Konpeki Plaza without triggering the "Intruder Detected" message?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 08:57 AM PDT

While stealthing the Konpeki Plaza escape (The Heist) I noticed a few different actions will trigger a "Intruder Detected: Enemies have been alerted" message. One example is trying to hijack the camera on the top floor - at least when the Netrunner is still around. It seems like the enemies have a more aware patrol state after that. So with the power of Quicksave I've managed to get through most of the hotel and carefully avoid causing the alert status.

However once I get to Reception, there is an invisible line which triggers the message 100% of the time. It's in front of the desk where the guard is standing in front of a laptop. I shouldn't be close enough to be seen by the camera on the far side of the room, although doing anything to that camera - even turning it off from out of sight - also triggers the message.

Is it part of mission scripting that players get the Intruder Detected message there, or is it somehow avoidable? If it's avoidable, does that actually do anything related to mission rewards or the story scenes that follow? I'm guessing the Delamain taxi would trigger it if nothing else does.

Note that this is slightly different than the message shown when enemies see a knocked out guard.

What is this downtown side job during the Corpo prologue?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 01:00 PM PDT

At the start of the game for Corpo lifepath there's a side job on the map, just west of corporate plaza. It's marked "UNDISCOVERED - Who knows what you might find?" with "DANGER: VERY HIGH". I don't see any way to get there during the prologue. Is it possible? If it's something we're not meant to do until later, why is it showing up now?

(Map Screenshot)

How does a Pokemon's catch chance work?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 01:17 PM PDT

So, I've got a bunch of Pokemon in Pokemon Go, but I've always wondered: what exactly lets you catch the Pokemon? I've always tried to use luck as my friend, but it takes a while, especially for the Legendary Pokemon, and the ones from raids. Is there a specific thing I have to do in order to catch them?

I've tried before to switch Pokeballs. Usually, this works for normal Pokemon. But for raid and Legendaries, I never really know how to get them. There are ultra balls, berries, and all those good stuff that help you usually catch them, but none of them really have worked, and it seems random. Is there a way I can know how the stuff works?

By the way, I've tried using better throws. I can pretty much get great, or even excellent throws now, so it doesn't really impact me a lot. Curve balls are something I've tried too, but it doesn't help, either.

If this isn't just a random generator, is there a way I can optimize my catches, especially for Shiny, Legendary, and just rare Pokemon in general? I'm trying to get the best I can, but it seems hard as the chances are low, and luck really hasn't been my friend. Also, how can I get a Pokestop somewhere near me, so I can constantly get stuff every day without having to walk? I know this sounds a bit lazy, but it's much easier, because I'm pretty far from the nearest Pokestop.

Thanks in advance.

How to /execute from nearest gold block

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 03:01 PM PDT

I want to /execute a command from the nearest gold block to a command block within a certain range. Is this possible and how can I do it?

What is the Mongraal Special?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 02:07 PM PDT

I've hear this term thrown around, and understand parts of it, but I'm not entirely clear on what exactly this move is, from beginning to end.

I believe the finish, from an adjacent block, is:

  1. Ramp over your opponent
  2. Back-edit one side of the ramp. This both reverses the ramp, and splits it in half. The half-split isn't really needed; it's for speed: this edit is faster than rotating the ramp 180 degrees.
  3. Hit your shot--quickly :)

Is this all there is to it? Is there more, in the setup?

How to produce a cotton box in Learning Factory?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:09 AM PDT

At some time exploring the Alpha Version of the Learning Factory I've stuck at the moment where yarn balls could be regularly produced from the cotton and be sold by the cat shop, which generated some income. But to complete my selling and producing queue (and to automate it) I must somehow produce a cotton box for a cotton picker. The science lab is connected with optic cable to the cat shop, but I can't produce any receipt. In the cat monument I also can't choose any receipt to study. To understand what is going on you could see the screenshot of my "pipeline". pipeline

So my questions are:

  1. How should I connect the given resources so I can move along?
  2. How can I use generated income from the store to let the science cat produce new articles?

How to restore a weapon that won't show up, but is represented in Character data - I recently got Atlantis DLC...?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 01:08 PM PDT

My character I have the most playtime with just lost her weapon upon my installation of the Atlantis DLC on Steam, and bootup.

I know her Staff is represented in the Player.chr, because I compared it with another character and he has his equipped staff in the same spot in the file...

What's wrong with the staff data for my character?

begin_block  baseName2Records\Item\EquipmentWeapon\Staff\C03_Frost01.dbr  prefixNameMRecords\Item\LootMagicalAffixes\Prefix\Default\Character_SkillMasteryF_01.dbr  suffixNameURecords\Item\LootMagicalAffixes\Suffix\Default\Character_AttributeIntelligence_02.dbr  relicName  relicBonus seed var1  relicName2 relicBonus2 var2  end_block  

The seed, in Hex, is "C1 00 00 00 04 00 00 00"

If I need a hex editor to save her staff, I've got one...

Planetary Scan Job does not show the target

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 12:03 PM PDT

Here is the situation: I accepted a planetary scan job and I went to the system. I've scanned the system beacon and use your Advanced Discovery Scanner but the message telling me which of the planets is the target does not arrive.

I've follow these instructions, but still nothing.

How do I pair my controller with other PS4 systems?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 04:02 PM PDT

The PS4 controller, I want to connect to my friends PS4, is a CUH-ZCT2U. It doesn't have a reset button for some reason and I have also tried resetting the PS4 and what not. It just doesn't connect.

I have tried a USB wire the Bluetooth thing, but none of that works. The PS4 controller flashes but just doesn't connect.

How to find the IP of a Minecraft server

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 10:42 PM PDT

How do I find the IPv4 address of a Minecraft server (e.g,

I need to do this because I am testing something for my own server.

How to disable/enable land protection without losing ownership list in a minecraft server?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 06:01 PM PDT

I'm a beginner in servers, and I was wondering if it would be possible to make a sell/buy system for lands, where players can build and do all the stuff they want while their land is protected, and at a specific time I can disable that land protection so people can build in other houses, steal their stuff, etc. and then re-enable it just like it was without having all people reclaiming their land Is this sort of thing possible?

Is the DS version of Four Swords, different than the GBA version?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 07:16 PM PDT

In this edition of Four Swords, is it different than the GBA version? Or is it the same?

How do I open or smash these silver blocks and padlocks?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021 08:30 AM PDT

Having reached the end of the game's storyline, we're now freeplaying around Middle Earth, picking up collectables, etc. The silver blocks and padlocks (as modelled below by Frodo) are getting in the way, as we don't seem to have a character available that can deal with them (or, we do and I've failed to notice).

Presumably, there is a character and/or a craftable tool that can do the job.
So which characters or tools can I use to break silver objects, and how do I obtain them?

cropped screenshot of LEGO LOTR showing silver padlocks

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